Jin: Aish don't shout near my poor ears! They are gonna bleed! And yes vaccine.

Jungkook gulped, 'Do I-I have to take it too?'

Hoseok: Of course! It's for every students! We will start after lunch break, so be nearby ok? And also tell Soobin and Beomgyu to stay with you. Jin hyung, I'm going to get ready, ok?'

Jin nodded and Hoseok left the kitchen leaving a busy hyung and a scared and shocked as hell bunny boy alone. Jungkook sat just in the place where he was left off, deep in his thoughts. Jin noticed his poor state and understood what he is thinking. He sighed and back hugged the boy gently. He put his chin on Jungkook's shoulder and arm wrapped around his waist.

Jin: Bunny scared?

Jungkook pouted and nodded.

Jin: It will be alright Jungkook-ie. Don't worry. Just a little pinch!

Jungkook sniffed with teary eyes, 'N-needles hurts hyung...I-I don't wanna get the vaccine, please?'

Jin: No baby. It's important. I talked with Tae, he will be gentle on you, ok?

Jungkook shook his head, 'No. please, I don't want vaccine. Please....tell hyungs I won't take it...it will hurt!'

Jin sighed and turned the boy over, facing him. He wiped his tears and kissed his forehead, 'Don't be like that Kookie. Aren't you hyung's good bunny? It will be super-fast and you won't even feel pain! I swear! Just be a good boy.'

Jungkook still whined, 'But I hate needles! Those thick injections...ewww! No way! I won't go university-' he pouted.

Jin: Tsk! Kookie, stop being a baby! You are too old for that!'

Jungkook: But I'm still your baby!

Jin smiled on his innocent confess, 'Yeah! Yeah! You are my baby bunny! But, now you should behave your age, hmm? You are my brave boy right? You can do it koo-

Jungkook: But, I don't wanna!

Jin sighed and glared this time, 'Jungkook. Listen to me. Tae will be there. He already told me he won't take your whining. So, please behave and don't make him mad at you. Are you getting what I'm trying to say?' he said in serious tone and of course Jungkook understood. He nodded biting his lower lip.

Jin: say it you understand?

Jungkook: Y-yes I understand hyung.' He said softly and Jin nodded.

Jin: good boy. You will be good and take the vaccine without making any fuss, right Jungkook?' he caressed his hair lovingly.

Jungkook nodded, 'B-but hyung?'

Jin: Nae?' he turned to the stove again.

Jungkook: Tae hyung will be gentle on me, right?'

Jin smiled and looked back to the younger, 'Of course. Cause if he hurt my bunny slightly, I will make sure to give him 10 thick injections in his butt once he reaches home.' He said in stern way but that finally made Jungkook giggled.

Jin started at him with adore eyes, he knows how much his makhne hates the needles. He also knows no matter how he tries to console him now, still he will try to make a way to escape from it till last moment. Jin sighed on his mind, he have to talk with Taehyung and Namseok for another time, to be extra ready for any drama of the baby and also be patient and gentle with him. He will be scared so much, so he needs extra caring. Jin really wanted to go there and stay with his baby today, but alas! Doctor life is hard...you can't blame on him for not going to be able to stay beside his baby.



Time skip to university;

It's lunch time. The famous trio- Jungkook, Beomgyu and Soobin was in canteen, having their lunch peacefully. Well not so peacefully, cause Soobin and Beomgyu is having a headache cause of Jungkook. He is continuously whining and panicking thinking about the vaccine things that is gonna start in around thirty minutes.

Jungkook just wanna get out of this in any way! He is sacred of injections just like Taehyung. Well, they both are same in this category. But, the irony is Taehyung is going to vaccinate him today and from his experience, Jungkook knows Taehyung is stricter than Jin hyung. And also from a few days, Taehyung is having a bad mood. He is being more cold and strict towards Jungkook again...

Jungkook can figure out the reason. Jimin and Taehyung is being a bit weird nowadays and maybe that's the reason Taehyung is being more moody. And of course Jungkook is the prey as always. He just got scolded last night by Taehyung for not studying and playing games for extra one hour. And today he is gonna give him vaccine....how scary!?

Aish, if Jin hyung would be there too....then he could feel a bit less scared and tensed. But guess what, his fate is always burned! Hmph!

Jungkook banged his head down on the table and fake cried, 'I hate it! I FREAKING HATE IT!'

Soobin: Aish! Jungkook-ie! Stop it now, how much energy you have to whine that much!?

Beomgyu: Yeah right! You are making me have a headache! Stop for god's sake. It's just a vaccine, not your death journey-

Jungkook glared at them, 'Shut up. You guys are not afraid of needles that are why you guys can be so chilled! But I can't!'

Soobin: Well, that's not our fault that you are scared of needles!

Jungkook: Why you guys are so heartless?

Beomgyu: YAAAA! That's a big offensive definition!

Jungkook: That's a truth!

Beomgyu: Kim Jungkook!

Jungkook mocked, 'Yes Choi Beomgyu?'

Soobin: Aish! Boys stop fighting for no reason. And Jungkook, calm down. It will fine, we all will be there with you, ok?

Jungkook pouted and nodded slightly, 'hmm.'

Soobin chuckled and hugged him from aside, 'Aish, bunny. Why so down? And Tae hyung will be there right? So you should be relieved that your brother will give you, no one else!'

Jungkook scoffed, 'Yeah right! I'm scared about it that Tae hyung will be there, and here you are thinking as my plus point! Great!' he murmured under his breath, but Soobin didn't hear him Cleary.

Soobin: you said something?

Jungkook: Huh? Oh nothing...shall we go now? Namjoon hyung told us to meet in his office at sharp 12:30...so we better get going, yeah?'

Beomgyu checked the watch and nodded, 'Yeah right. Let's go.'

They all stood up and left for Namjoon's office.


As per Jin's word, Hoseok and Namjoon decided to make the vaccine session of makhne in Namjoon's office, privately. As Jin said Jungkook could be really scared and he would need extra care after and before. So, it will be easy for Hoseok and Namjoon to give it to him. And also Tae can do his work properly, not as an doctor, but also as his hyung. So, Namjoon called the trio in his room privately.


Jungkook knocked in Namjoon's cabin and peeked inside.

Jungkook: May we come in sir?

Namjoon looked up and nodded, 'Yes Jungkook. I was waiting for you three. Come!'

Jungkook opened the door fully and walked inside. Other two followed him behind. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat in fear and face dropped more as soon he saw the full view of the room...

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