Chapter 52: The Blue Moon Curse

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Mayumi is sleeping peacefully on the bed, the burning flame fueled by wood on the old stove is still on, using it like a heater to keep the house warm.

Out side the house it is a cold night since it's currently Autumn. Vanitas looking at his own reflection through the river water that was shine by the moon light.

His dull eyes reflect on the water  surface suffering from the Blue Moon Curse, he only have one thing in mind.

Angelica: Vanitas.

He turn back seeing Angelica looking at him with a worry expression.

Angelica: I know this might be a bit late to ask. Are you alright?

Vanitas: I don't know.

His voice was cold and emotionless completely different from the cheerful and excitement when they meet back in the Vytal Festival. The way he look is exactly like when they first fight.

Angelica: I know that look Vanitas. When your sister was first capture you acted just like this. Losing your emotions and the only thing that was on your mind is getting her back. No matter what happens, no matter what have to be done, no matter who you have to sacrifice. So tell me what happen?

Angelica look at Vanitas with a determine look, Vanitas only look down.

Vanitas: It's my fault.

Angelica: What?

Vanitas: I bury her there so she won't be disturb by anyone and yet I was that one that dug up her grave.

He said looking at his hand as image of his hand holding the heart of his mother flash before his eyes. The sound of Pride laugh echo in Vanitas head as image of the vampire holding his mother body and destroy it.

Angelica: Vanitas!

He was knock out of his thoughts by Angelica calling his name she is holding on to him tightly from behind. He then look down seeing that he was walking away with both Yin and Yang in hand.

Vanitas: Damn it.

Both of his sword fadded away as he look down to the ground. The Blue Moon Curse have began to control his movement without him realizing it. The instinct of Vampire of The Blue Moon when the cursed is active is like a tracker to the nearest Vampire that isn't born from a Blue Moon.

Vanitas: So now I'm beginning to lose control, huh.

Angelica: What do you mean?

Vanitas: The instinct of a Blue Moon Vampire is beginning to take over me.

Angelica: Is that what happened when we first fought?

Vanitas: Yes.

Angelica eyes widen

Angelica: Can you tell me more about it? Please.

He is taken it back by this normally she won't even care about something related to him but now she is asking about his condition.

Vanitas: Fine then, as you might know I have Blue Moon Curse.

He lift his right arm now looking more like a Blue Moon Vampire arm than a human, revealing his marking.

Vanitas: Any one who have these marking is considered cursed by the Blue Moon Curse.

Angelica now have a expression of shock and horror, which Vanitas pay no mind to it.

Vanitas: The curse activate when the user is at their most desperate. When something or someone important to them is about to or is taken away from then.

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