Chapter 18: The Discussion

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We are currently inside our dorm room after enjoying a meal with team RWBY and Vanitas.

Nora: I still can't actually believe that the villain of the school have the innocent of a child.

Pyrrha: There's still something on my mind. If he is so innocent why do he like to act cruel?

Ren: I also was thinking about that. It just don't seem right.

Jaune: Maybe he is just bad like that.

Ren: But that still don't explain why he is like that.

Nora: Well you are kinda right, or maybe that is just a persona that he use to cover up his real intense.

Jaune: That sounds more reasonable.

Pyrrha: *sigh* I don't think so. I can heard the confusion in his voice when he said he doesn't know about those kind of stuff.

Ren: I agree. When we talking he ignore the insult of other and completely ignoring them. Well only talking to people that talk to him regularly.

Nora: I guess you are kinda right.

Ren: From what I gather from team RWBY, he treated other like how they treated him. He have trust issues, and easily distance himself from other.

Pyrrha: He isn't that bad if you really get to know him.

Jaune: I still think he is bad. Pretending to be innocent like a kid to get girls to like him.

Ren: I don't think so, he don't have feeling for people that would love him remember.

Nora: Now that is dumb. How can he ever go to a relationship if the person he love, love him back. Would he just not like her anymore?

Ren: He is the type of guy that love someone without needing them to love him back.

Pyrrha: Because he hated himself, he thinks he is someone that no body would love.

Pyrrha look down sad, I could see she have a crush on him but she doesn't know about it either.

Jaune: Well I still think he is an bad influence to other, he still the villain here. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

The next day

Glynda POV

In the teacher lounge I was drinking the tea that Vanitas made while he play Blue Moon.

I enjoy the song "Lovely" while taking a sip of my tea. It was lovely getting to enjoy listening to the violin again while enjoying good food and drink.

Ruby POV

Ruby: So boring.

I have to sit in Mr Port class listening to his story about the time he beat a Ursa with his barehand.

I turn seeing Blake reading "Mageia" the new grimoire Vanitas gave her so she can learn, she can fully tap into the flow of mana without Maha Amulet so I am wearing it now. She still need a grimoire to cast spell.

While I still have some difficulty tapping into it but at least I can see it. I also can use it to detect my surroundings seeing the flow of mana in other people giving me some what of an enhanced observation.

Ruby: Weiss, this is so boring, where is Vanitas?

Weiss: I don't know he never attend professor Port class anyway.

RWBY: Vampire Of The Blue MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora