Chapter 49: The Fall

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Vanilla body was lying on the wasteland fill with swords to much people those are just swords but for Vanitas those are graves. And now infront of him another one of his closest friend lying on this graveyard.

Ren: Vanitas...

Vanitas look towards his friend seeing him crying, his blood red eyes have a mix between water and blood going down it.

Ren: You can save her... right?

Vanitas was about to look down.


Felix: Please save her! I BEG YOU! VANITAS!

Felix bow his head towards Vanitas.

Luna: Save her.

Vanitas heard the voice of his deceased mother, he instinctively walk toward his friends. Vanilla heart might be destroy but she haven't die yet. Blood was using his magic to generate blood to keep her alive.

Vanitas: You two hold her hand.

Ren quickly hold on to her hand Felix hold the other hand.

Vanitas: Break the boundary of live and death, share the life that we all have. Forbidden Art: Soul Link!

Blue aura emanating around them transferring the two life force to Vanilla keeping her alive.

Vanitas then turn to his mother grave he began to walk towards it.

Vanitas: What are you doing stop.

Vanitas was talking to himself his mind was split to two side, one side he didn't wasn't to disturb his mother rest but his other side tell him to save Vanilla.

Vanitas: I must save her- I can't disturb- save Vanilla- don't do- Ahhh!

His right hand reach out the grave but his other hold back.

Vanitas: Save her- don't do-

The figure in white cloak pitch black skin with glowing blue eyes and smile appear infront of him for the first time.

Vanitas: Mother...

Luna: Save her, my boy.

She fadded away as Vanitas dig up the grave revealing a glass coffin inside was the body of Luna. Still in perfect condition.

Vanitas: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

He put his hand through the cut in her body using his sharp nails cutting and pull out her heart carefully. He go to Vanilla and place the heart inside her using many tiny swords to connect the heart with her body.

Vanitas then lead closer to Vanilla giving her some of his air while using his hand to squeeze it slightly mimicking the movement of a beating heart then the heart began to beat.

Vanilla: Ugh...

Felix/Ren: Vanilla!

Vanilla: Huh? What-

She look down seeing the hole on her chest, she turn seeing Luna coffin open.

Vanilla: You... HOW COULD-

In rage she turn to Vanitas but see him in tear. She want to yell at him but stop when see his distressed face, decided not to push it any further. Her body is weakened, the damage she just took, missing half of her lung.

Vanilla: Do you have it here? Lizard Scale.

He nodded and take out the book of Vanitas, the pages flip on it own as a bracelet appear similar to a lizard scale. She put it on, it will slowly regrow the missing limbs on the user by time.

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