Chapter 44: Vanitas & Vanilla

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Ruby POV

It had been a few days since Vanitas turn into Vanilla again, now she haven't turn back.

Ruby: Hey Vanilla when are you going to turn back?

Vanilla: I still trying but it isn't as easy as you see.

Yang: C'mon now you been staying like that for days.

Vanilla: Like I said I would if I could.

Blake: Is something happened?

Vanilla: I just can't turn back to normal.

Weiss: Well consider that a punishment, c'mon now we don't want to be late for class.

All five of us walk to class many eyes were on us well mostly Vanilla, since she was known in the top 10 most beautiful girls in school. The only reason why she wasn't higher because of her mysterious background. Not was known about her but they would totally freak out if they know Vanilla is actually Vanitas.

But still what I saw inside his mind scape was something horrible.


After I just finished the design for my new outfit and weapon our connection was suddenly interrupted I was now inside a grass field with bright blue sky and many sword stab on the through.

Ruby: This place is...

I look around seeing a child version of Vanitas running around happily behind him was someone with long white hair, skin as black as night while wearing a white cloak.

Ruby: He look so cute and adorable, and that much be his mother.

I take on step and suddenly the world change.

Ruby: What?

The world is now an endless wasteland fill with swords and weapons again. The blue sky now have and orange color with many cloud with giant gear in the sky.

Ruby: Did it just-

I look seeing the child version of Vanitas holding on to his mother body crying with many body lie next him all stab with swords.

My connection was cut and I am back in the real world.

Flashback End

Ruby: Just what exactly happen? How did it turn into that?

Vanilla: What are you talking about?

Ruby: Nothing.

I want to ask him about it but this isn't my place to ask.

Time Skip

We are in the cafeteria we are currently talking and eating.

Jaune: Hey is Vanitas around?

Vanilla: He isn't in Beacon right now.

Jaune: Ohh...thank. Can you guy tell me when will he come back?

Ruby: Don't worry when he come back we sure will told you.

Weiss: Why do you want to see him anyway?

Jaune: It's just something I want to ask him.

Ruby: What's it?

Jaune: It's something personal.

We continue to on until a group of students so up.

Cardin: Well look what we have here, the Faker crossdressing as a girl.

Vanilla: Heh?

Cardin: You think you can fool everyone by dressing up as girl.

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