Chapter 50: After The Fall

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It have been 2 days since the fall of Beacon, many life were lost doing it.

Next to a river a young blonde girl look to be around the age of 4-5 she was grabbing small stick playing until she see a black hand pocking out in the river. The hand seem to be stuck between a wooden dam make by some bever.

Girl: Mommy there is something on the river.

Angelica: What's it sweetie?

Girl: Look there is something over there?

She look towards the wooden dam seeing the black hand pocking which freak her out at first until she noticed blue marking on it and something long like black and white silk near it.

Angelica: Stay here, Mayumi.

She told her daughter to stay there and she approach the wooden dam, carefully moving on it, until she reached the hand. She then move the wood to see a familiar face.

Angelica: Vanitas.

Some where in a snowy forest.

Felix: It's freezing out here.

Being shirtless while wearing metal armor pants isn't a great choice while being in a snow storm.

Felix: Damn it. I should have put some clothes in the Gate of Babylon, if only Faker was here. Huh?

He look seeing a small town.

Felix: Great, look like I found shelter.

He began making his way to the small town, people were giving him glances. He was shivering while walking through the street until he stop at a clothes store.

Owner: Greeting custo-mer.

The owner was surprised to see a customer but imidietly feel disappointed when he see Felix, thinking that he is someone poor who don't have any money on him.

Owner: Well what can I get for you?

He does a fake smile to hide his disappointment ready to kick him out after he get what left that Felix have, at least that's what he thought.

Felix open a gate ways as gold and jewelry fall out shocking everyone in the store.

Felix: Keep the change. Get me your best set of warm clothes that you have and bring a heater while you are at it.

Owner: Right away sir. You heard the man!

He and his employees all rush to get him a set of clothes and heater. Felix now wear a long white fur coat, over long sleeve shirt and jeans, having his neck cover by a white scarf.

He then pull out his scroll to check his location.

Felix: Great completely broken. Hey can you tell me where am I?

Owner: Oh you are currently in Atlas sir.

Felix: Atlas!?

He said in frustration and confusion just sometime ago he was in the battlefield in Vale now he is somehow all the way in Atlas.

Some where like a desert.

Ren was currently walking through the the hot sand and burning sun light, at least the clothes that he was wearing is blocking some sun light for reaching him.

Ren: Damn it. How did I even get here to Vacuo.

His scroll was badly damage but still useable although it's out of battery.

Ren: Damn it.

He is getting tired first waking up under the ground lucky it was just sand and he managed to dig his way out, his only source to contact help is cut off and the hot sun isn't much of a help.

He then began to walk and walk until he made it to a small town.

Ren: Only 529 lien left. I'm starving and thirsty. Begin exhausted for all the walking and after that fight isn't a big help either.

He then walk to a bar to buy some food and water.

Owner: That would be 120 lien.

Ren: What? Isn't that to expensive?

Normally in Vale a full meal would only cost 50 lien in a bar, 100-150 in some restaurants.

Owner: You must be new here boy, I know this might be expensive but this only because the tax here are too high.

Ren: Too high?

Owner: Trust me the new land owner raised the tax extremely high. What I'm doing is just to help provide for my family.

Ren: I see. So he is a tyrant.

The owner turn away to help her other customer, just this moment Ren's eyes, his sclera turn black while his pupil and iris turn blood red.

Ren: Blood for the Blood God.

He said with a quiet tone before his eyes turn back to normal.

Some where else

Vanilla open her eye seeing that she was lying on a bed.

Vanilla: Where am I?

She got up looking around the room, until the door open a priest walking in.

Priest: Greeting child.

Vanilla: You are-

Shirou: I'm Shirou Kotomine. I found you outside the church, seeing that you're hurt I brought you in.

Vanilla: Uh, thank.

Shirou: Don't worry there is something that I want to ask you, if that isn't to much of a bother to you.

Vanilla: What's it?

Shirou: Can you tell me why are there a hold on your chest?

Vanilla: Oh that's...

Shirou: How are you even able to live, human can't survive with injury like that. Are you a mage? Or a demon?

Vanilla: I'm... a human. But my heart is... a vampire heart. Only thank to it was able to live.

Shirou: I see, sorry for bringing up a touchy subject.

He immediately see her expression turn sad just by the mention of it.

Vanilla: It's find...

Shirou: No no no. I'm really sorry for bringing it up, uh. How about I get you something to eat. You much be hungry.

Vanilla: That would be lovely, thank you.

She smile which make Shirou blush, he quickly turn away hiding his face and walk out of the room closing the door.

Vanilla: This place felt to familiar.

Blood: How so?

Vanilla: The last time I- or more specific Vanitas was in a church, we crashed the Holy Grail War.

Blood: Really? I thought the Holy Grail War was just a myth.

Vanilla: The war was meant for last a few weeks or even month. But we solo it in on night.

Blood: So he's a speed runner, much because of the Forbidden magic that he have.

Vanilla: No only after the war ended a few day is when we find the book of Vanitas.

Blood: So you are telling me that he solo a war with just his projection magic. How?

Vanilla: Back then we fought the war for someone special to us, our little sister Emiya Luna. And the only reason for us to have the strength to solo it was because of the Blue Moon Curse.

Blood: Blue Moon Curse?

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