Chapter 38: A Interesting Day

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Weiss POV

Weiss: No Vanitas please! Don't do this!

I hide behind my teammates from Vanitas who was holding a sack of raw potatoes.

Vanitas: Oh Weiss do you think they can stop me?

Weiss: Guy he is try to food poison me!

Vanitas: Don't worry I wash them unlike you.

Ruby: Vanitas I think you should forgive her everything is in the past now.

Weiss: Yeah.

Vanitas: Oh I will forgive her after I shove raw potatoes down her throat.

Blake: That's doesn't sound like forgiveness at all.

Vanitas: Yeah and the fact that she only see you at a faunus a creature not a person.

Blake then walk towards Vanitas now standing next to him.

Yang: Blake don't be like that.

Vanitas: She call you a failure of sister remember.

Yang: On second thought.

Yang then walk to them.

Ruby: Yang! Blake! Vanitas!

Vanitas: Like I said this will just be punishment after seeing how she truly see us. Do you still want to be that naive girl that she feel embarrassed when around?

Ruby began to walk.

Weiss: Ruby don't!

Ruby: Sorry Weiss but he got a point.

Vanitas: Now then.

Weiss: I'M SORRY!

I closed my eyes and cry, I was waiting for him to what he said but I only heard sounds of pictures being taken.

Weiss: Huh?

I open my eyes seeing them just took a picture of me crying, my face turn red in embarrassment.

Vanitas: That's what we want to hear a genuine apology.


Vanitas: I am still shoving raw potatoes down your throat.

Weiss: Guy save me!

Vanitas POV

In the cafeteria, Weiss just bought Ruby, Blake and Yang lunch as a thank you for saving her.

Vanitas: Still mad at me?

Weiss: I'm not talking to you.

Vanitas: You just did.

Weiss: Shut!

Ruby: Thank Weiss, you are the best.

Blake: Thank you for the meal.

Yang: I don't want to eat.

Ruby: Cheer up sis.

Yang: Ruby I just ate two raw potatoes I don't want to look at food anymore.

Vanitas: Avian.

A small version of Avian appear sitting on my shoulder, I lift up a raw potato, he turn it into baked potato. And I eat it.

Yang: You're the worst, Vani.

Vanitas: You want them now?

Yang: Actually n-

I shove the bake potato into her mouth, she quickly swallow it.

Yang: Hot. Hot. Hot!

I just simply bake another one and eat it.

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