"So let me get this straight, not ONLY did you run, but you also couldn't confirm that the Hashira was eliminated?"


Muzan moved his head to show off the disappointment plastered on his face, "So what exactly did you accomplish? As far as I'm concerned, you have done nothing but waste everyone's time. All of you have been completely useless, I've been too relaxed with all of you because you are Upper Moons. However, keep this up and I might just dismantle the Upper Moons the same way I did the Lower Moons. You need to serve me with more suicidal devotion and be willing to die for me and my cause. Do I make myself clear?"

The demons acknowledged their master's words and responded accordingly. Before the self-proclaimed king could continue, they were interrupted by the sound of a portal opening from nearby. They looked towards the most open area of the dimension they were in to see a large black portal with a red ring forming. The Marauder emerged from the portal, taking slow and deliberate steps forward with a Spirit accompanying him as it slithered around the Marauder like a snake. A humongous, red hover-pad followed behind him that was being pushed by several humanoid demons that wore similar attire to the Marauder. Each of them had their own distinct look yet it was discernible that they were all a part of the same group.

However, what was on the hover pad was completely different. It was a giant, muscular yet pale beast with four arms who's upper torso was attached to the red hover pad. The creature had dark red plates covering parts of its body. The creature was completely devoid of a face, instead, being replaced with a series of sensors and visors with its jaw still in-tact. Its face was boney and it had two, large horns on the sides of its head that pointed upwards in a curl.

Once the hover pad was out of the portal, one of the demons pushing the carriage asked the Marauder, "What now?" He was a towering demon that was abnormally huge for how humanoid he was. His armor followed the same design philosophy as the Marauder but was created to suit the large stature of the demon. He wears a helmet that only covers the upper half of his face which was decayed with a large chunk of his cheeks removed. His horns spiral inwards similar to that of a sheep with the ends protruding outwards. His voice was deep and raspy. His breathing was loud as well because he took in air through his decrepit moth

The Marauder didn't turn towards his comrade, stating, "Return to Immora, Avenger, I will join you as soon as I'm done here." The demon nodded in approval, motioning for the others to follow along as they passed through the portal they just entered.

Muzan was annoyed that these trespassers had invaded his dimension and called out, "Who are you to walk into my domain as if it's none of your business?"

The Marauder chuckled at Muzan's comment and answered, "I am a messenger of the Dark Lord."

"How cute, he couldn't come to bother me himself?

"The Dark Lord does not have time to meddle with weaklings such as yourself. That is why he has sent me." The Upper Moons stood up in retaliation but Muzan had to tell his subordinates to calm down. The Marauder began to approach Muzan and that's when the king of the demons noticed something swinging from the Marauder's hip: the Super Shotgun.

"Then what do you want? He's already tasked us with taking care of the Hellwalker."

The Marauder gestured towards the lifeless creature on the hoverpad and explained, "This is an Elder Agaddon Hunter, retrieved from the ruins of the Cultist Base left behind from the Slayer's rampage. Deag Ranak attempted to revitalize the creature but with little success, only being able to resurrect the common Agaddon Hunter. He did not possess the means to give life to a creature this powerful. However, the Dark Lord and his technology were able to continue the priest's work and outfit the creature with Immoran technology."

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