#Chapter 18:His Guilt

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😳Halimat's POV😳
I was in panic mode since I had a lot of work to do in Murad's room,how can I face him without feeling scared ? I really hate him a lot,I wish I could rise to a powerful status and get my revenge on him,he had really gone too far.

While going to his room my heart kept beating uncontrollably,my legs felt really weak and I was sweating,I knocked on the door and got no reply,I opened it and met him pacing to and fro,we stared at each other,I with fear and pure hatred and him with panic,I was trembling as I entered the room,avoiding his gaze,l heard his footsteps and wondered if he was coming towards me but I heard him open the door and walk out.

👽Murad's POV👽
Why was I panicking that much ? why couldn't I just forget it ? Ahh ! fuck,I went to the throne room with my head aching,I sat down and wasn't paying attention to what they were saying,why am I even here ?
"Murad ?" father called and asked my opinion concerning a state affair.

"Uhm....father,I think we should.....",I said and the ministers shook their heads negatively,father looked disappointed but that's his problem,they kept bombarding me with silly questions and I replied according to what my instinct told me,but they were still mad,what is wrong with these people ?

Father soon adjourned the meeting,and we left,I heard the ministers gossiping about me in hushed tones,but they didn't know I heard,I don't have time to deal with them as what happened last night still left me disturbed.

👾Writer's POV👾
A month has passed,since the prince almost raped his maid,he no longer flirted with her but he still had his bad characters which the ministers gossiped amongst themselves.

"Are you sure this is the Sultan's flesh and blood ?"they'd complain and if it ever got to Murad's ear,they're in fine soup.
Even though he didn't play naughty around Halimat anymore,he yelled at her for little things with the hope that,he could forget what happened if he acts bossy,but no ! his conscience always insulted him whenever he sees her,life was hard for the slave princess.

Fatima also had her part to play by turning her into a punching bag,insulting her which always left an emotional scar,sometimes the prince and his girlfriend would gang up against her,even though Murad did this,he wondered why he still felt....no he would never say that word,she's his slave and he can treat her however he wants.

"My room is messy,make sure you tidy it before I come back",he said coldly,as she raised her head,making him look into those sparkly black eyes,he removed his gaze and walked away,ever since that happened he couldn't bear to look her in the eye.

Halimat walked into his room and began to clean it,she saw a portrait and it was that of a girl,it wasn't finished yet but it was nice,could Murad be the one who drew this ? no it's not possible,an air head like him knows nothing,but who drew it then ? could it be..... ? nah ! she laughed at the thought,there's no way it could be the witch(Fatima),she giggled continuously and started working,unknown to her, the prince was watching her,even though he hates to admit,he couldn't help but admire her,she looks so timid and graceful while working,he quickly shook the thoughts away and walked to his closet,she gasped upon seeing him,she hadn't heard the door open,he brought out a shirt and headed to the bathroom,and when he came out he was on the shirt.

'What the ? Murad didn't change in front of me like he used to'.
"Make sure nothing happens to that portrait got it ?"he asked which seemed more like an order and she nodded.

"How do I look ?" he asked and she almost rolled her eyes,is he seriously asking her that ? he looks same to her all the time.
"Good",she stated dryly and he rolled his eyes due to her tone then left.

🤑Murad's POV🤑
I called Waleed for us to meet as I was loosing my sanity by the minute,it still felt like yesterday when that happened,damn ! I really want to forget this,he texted me the address,he was and yes it's a night club,I've attended all expensive night clubs in my country,but Waleed likes clubbing than I do,though he's still business wise,I hate to admit it but the people's disappointment in me really hurt me,then I never cared but now I was thinking of how to make things right,I mean my three best friends were s3x freaks and flirts like me but they're good in business,while I was only good with the female specie except one,I groaned since it's time to think of her again,I hate her and should not pity her,but the question is why do I hate her ? even I don't know.
I realized I'd arrived at the club,and for the first time in my life I didn't feel that vybe about being in a club,I texted Waleed about my arrival and in less than a minute,he was out.

"OK what happened again ? your problem is no longer about your parents but now that maid",Waleed said and I sighed.

"Seriously I don't know what's wrong with me,I said and paused to drink but it had no effect on me,I almost raped her", I said and his eyes widened.

"When was that ?"

"Last month".

"But Khalid,Jamal and I visited you two days ago even last week and you didn't mention this to us,besides all I could notice was your cold attitude towards each other,and how you kept yelling at her".

"Yes,because I don't want anyone to know something transpired,I said with a sigh,rubbing my forehead with my eyes closed,but then a view of her crying flashed in my head,I quickly opened them and clenched my fist,I couldn't sleep properly cos I always saw her crying in my dream.

"Murad this is unlike you,why would you force yourself on a woman ?"

Waleed I tried do following your advice on how to use different ways to get her but she kept being so stubborn,I felt dejected since no woman had ever turned me down but now,I feel so...so...",I still held tongue.
"For the first time in my life,I don't know the advice to give you".

QUOTE:Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results by
Willie Nelson.

Wow is it just me or Murad is feeling guilty ?? 🤭🤭

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