Y/n: Do I have to decide now?

Bang PD: You have until the start of tomorrow. 

Y/n: Fuck sakes! 

I walked out of the room slamming the door in the process and wandered to a nearby park where I sat in my thoughts. Leaving my thoughts I looked up to see that the sun was setting which meant I didn't have much time left to make my decision. 

Chaewon: So this is where you went.

Y/n: Why are you here?

Chaewon: Well I can't have my new member going missing now can I.

Y/n: But I haven't decided to join or not yet.

Chaewon: Well Y/n I've talked to the other girls as well and first or all we all want you to join us. Secondly because you will be part of the makane line you will have 4 Noonas who will spoil you~

Y/n: I just don't want to hold you back I don't know if I will fit in with you girls...

Chaewon: Well we think you will fit in with us. Now Its getting late lets go back to OUR dorm for the night ok?

Y/n: O...ok. 

Chaewon then took my hand before walking me to her dorm. When we got to her dorm the other members were all in the living room when we entered suddenly a body collided with mine.

Eunchae: Where did you go~ I was worried about you Y/n! 

Chaewon: Yah! Eunchae let him go hes had a long day. 

Eunchae then let me go while Chaewon guided me to the sofa and then sat next to me. 

Chaewon: Y/n I want to ask you this with everyone present. Will you join us? 

Y/n: I...Will I don't want to waste all the years I've spent training.

Yunjin: Well now you've said that you are stuck with us! 

Chaewon: Shall we get him?

Y/n: Get him?

Garam: Don't worry Y/n we wont do anything bad to you...

Sakura: GET HIM! 

As the girls then pilled on top of me they giggled and cheered about me joining them I now realised them getting me was just them celebrating that I was joining them. After the girls had got their energy out we all relaxed together watching TV when my stomach rumbled. 

Kazuha: Are you hungry? 

I nodded slowly. 

Chaewon: Wait how long were you in that park? 

Y/n: Since I left Bang PDs office...

Sakura: That was at 9am its now 11pm Y/n!

Yunjin: We have leftovers! 

Eunchae: Ill go get them! 

Chaewon: Y/n. Why didn't you say earlier that you haven't eaten. 

Y/n: I um didn't realise. 

Chaewon then dragged me to the table in the door before sitting me down as leftovers we placed in front of me while the others gathered around me. 

Y/n: Why are you all watching me its creepy.

Garam: We are just making sure you are ok. 

Once I ate the girls decided to head to bed which is where I was a little confused when they didn't let me leave.

Chaewon: Y/n where do you think you are going?

Y/n: Back to my dorm.

Chaewon: Now you have joined us this is your dorm dummy.

Y/n: Where will I sleep? 


Chaewon: Are you ok with that?

Y/n: I mean I guess...Its a little weird though.

Chaewon: Eunchae do you promise to behave. 

Eunchae: Of course Unnie! 

Yunjin: I have some clothes you can change into Y/n. 

Y/n: Sorry but I don't think im comfortable wearing a girls clothes. 

Yunjin: I never said they were girls dummy I have a tracksuit you can wear.

Sakura: Why do you have a guys tracksuit?

Yunjin: Its comfy simple as that.

Once Yunjin gave me the tracksuit I changed in the bathroom before Eunchae dragged me to her room and pulled me into her bed.

Eunchae: Are you comfy? 

Y/n: Well apart from your elbow digging into my stomach yep.

Eunchae: Ah sorry. Don't you worry Y/n I may be younger than you but I promise that the six of us will be sure to make you feel as comfortable as possible. 

Y/n: Thank you Eunchae. 

Eunchae: Has anyone ever said you are comfortable to lay on?

Y/n: Shut up and sleep. 

Eunchae: OK! 

Eunchae proceeded to lay on my chest while snuggling into me I felt myself falling asleep and for the first time in a while I was able to sleep without crying...

Date: 12/02/22 

???: Wake up kids! 

Opening my eyes I saw Yunjin looking down at me and Eunchae.

Eunchae: NO! I don't want to Y/n is comfy~

Yunjin: Well if you don't get off of him he won't be able to officially join us.

Just like that Eunchae had jumped up and allowed me to get up as well. Once we had left the dorm and headed to HYBE building. 

Bang PD: I was wondering if you'd show up and by judging who you are with I assume you are joining them?

Y/n: Yeah I don't want to waste the years I spent training. 

Bang PD: Well then Y/n sign here and you officially be Le Sserafims seventh and final member.

As I signed my name across the contract I was happy and excited that I would finally debut I didn't even care that I was with a bunch of girls that didn't matter in fact they were more accepting than most of the people I have met in life and with them I wanted to become the best I could. 

The HYBE boy in a girl group? Le Sserafim X Male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora