The Magic War- part one?

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T/W: mentions of/implied: fighting, war, manipulation(?), kidnapping, blackmail, threats, child labor 

Do it for the Cause, i think. The Admins are evil, the Watchers are good. 

The Cause is overthrowing the Admins. Long ago the original Watchers and Admins ruled together side by side. Their names were Xeneth and Rezelia for the Watchers, and Crizrn and Vernus for the Admins. Their leader was Xelqua. Together, the five ruled over the Dimentiverse. 

But one day the Admins got greedy. They wanted more power, more land, more everything. The Watchers tried to stop them, but had to go into hiding, leaving the Dimentiverse to the evil Admins. Xelqua sided with the Watchers, knowing they were in the right, but was ultimately captured and killed by the Admins.  

Now the Watchers are training thousands of Watchlings to fight against the Admins. For honor, for equality, for Xelqua. This is the Cause. The Magic War.

###POV change: Xisuma 

 I charge at the practice dummy, aggressively swinging my sword. If the dummy had been a Watcher, the Watcher would have been dead. TWEEEEEEEEET! Coach A's whistle rings out, calling the end of class. 

Long ago, us Admins and the Watchers were allies. But one day, the five originals disappeared. When they returned, the only ones alive were the Watchers. Thus started the civil war.  

Now, thousands of Admin Cadets are being trained to fight against the Watchers. For peace, for justice, for Xelqua. This is The Magic War. 

###POV change: Mumbo

I trudge through the muck on my way home from the factory. Just like every other day, of every other year. I sigh, thinking of the stories he used to read to me. Used. I think. Tears sting my eyes, but i push them back for fear of getting a beating. 

Me and Grian were brothers, him only two minutes older. He was born at 1pm, 13 military time, on Friday the thirteenth. Our parents died wen we were young, so he became my everything. Brother, mother, father, friend, everything. But on our 13th birthday, they came. The Watchers. They said he had 'potential'. At first, he resisted. But then they grabbed me and threatened to kill me if he didn't go. So he went. I still remember his final words. "I'll be back, after The Magic War."

###POV change: Xanthus

I curl up on my cot, not caring that I'm wearing my miners' cloths. I do this every December 13th, and stay there until  the 14. He was born on May 13th, 13:00. My brother, Xisuma. I'm only 3 minutes younger. 

Our parents aren't healthy enough to work or take care if us, so that was always Xisuma's job. But when they took him, everything changed. It was our 13th birthday, and the Admins came. They said he had to come with them or they'd destroy everything in a 100 chunk radius of our house. 

He went, told me to take care of mum and da. His parting words were "I'll be back, after The Magic War."

598 words. There will prob be a part two. Maybe. 

HIATUS|| Grian Centric Oneshots, Song Fics, Angst, Fluff, H/C, and Crossovers!(Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora