Your daughter, Lucy.

I sighed and put the pen back down on the sheet of paper.I haven't talked to my mom in ages, sometimes I actually wonder if will she ever read my letters.

My heart is still beating super fast from writing that paragraph about Midnight.My insides tingle even at the sound of his name.

Yes, I have hidden it for so long but it is true.I really do love Midnight.

A knock on the door brought me from back to reality and my eyes widened, immediately grabbing the letter to my mother and shoving it in a box on my desk.

"Come in" I said trying to get my heart rate to slow down but it was so damn difficult.

A creak of the door made me turn around in my chair, immediately regretting it because my heart rate sped up rapidly at the sight of him.

"Oh, h-hey Midnight what's up" I said nervously, rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans in discomfort.

"Well Angel made some pancakes to celebrate your victory, are you coming down for food?" He asked stepping into my room and closing the door.He looked at me suspiciously making me audibly gulp.

"What were you writing?" He said sitting down on my bed, still looking at me.

"Oh nothing, but can I talk to you...?" I said looking down at my feet.

"Sure go ahead" he said smiling with his eyes closed making my breath hitch, he looks so innocent and adorable.

I looked at the box which held my mom letter in it and back at the crimson red eyes in front of me.this is it, I am finally going to tell him.

Wish me luck Mom.

"Well..." I started, looking down at my hand and twiddling my thumbs.Midnight raised an eyebrow at my nervousness and discomfort.

"Lucy, is everything okay?" He said sitting close to me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder in comfort.

He didn't know that this made me more uncomfortable though, my cheeks were painted the colour of Crimson.

His eyes widened as he had a pout on his face. "is it because I ate all your pancakes this morning, I told you I was sor-"

"Of course it's not about my pancakes Midnight" I said with a small giggle escaping my lips.

He then pulled me closer into an awkward side hug making both of our cheeks flush.

"It's just...i like this guy, I mean really like-like this guy..."I started looking into his eyes that were now glassy.

"I love him actually..." I said my voice cracking, who knew it was difficult to say I love you, they say it so easy in movies and books.

Midnight's face fell and his hands started shaking, he looked really upset.

"Oh, well I'm happy for you Lucy, he's a lucky guy" he said while smiling with his eyes closed.but I knew this smile was fake.

I sighed and leaned into our hug enjoying his warmth."But it's so difficult to say I love you to him..." I continued.He nodded his head saying he understood, that gloomy expression still plastered on his face.

"Just go up to him and say 'I love you', do it before you miss your chance, I know because I was going to confess my love to someone..."

he mumbled the last prt but I could hear it perfectly clear with my enhanced hearing.He loves someone, what if it's not me, what if I confess and he says 'no I am in love with someone else'.My heart will be shattered.

"I think she likes this other guy though." he said, his eyes becoming watery.Is he about to cry?

I pulled him more into our hug and patted his back in small circles to comfort him.

"Shhh, It's okay." I whispered hearing small sobs coming from the person beside me.

"lucy, you have no idea how painful it is to see the person you love, everyday, and not be with them" he cried into my side, his head resting in my neck.Seeing him breakdown like this make me cry as well,

"I do, I do know how it feels, Because I love this amazing guy, I know he will take care of me, I know that he will make me happy when I am sad.I know that he is going to be an excellent father in the future.I know that he will protect me through thick and thin.But I don't think he loves me, and that hurts.It Hurts so much that I can't have him for myself."

"It hurts that I don't even have the strength to tell him I love him" I cried into his chest and he accepted me with open arms.

"Who is this douche that you love, I'll beat his ass because he hasn't realised that you love him" he said making me chuckle, well It was supposed to be a chuckle but it came out as a harsh sigh.he doesn't realise that I am talking about him.

He turned and faced me, both of us now facing each other seeing our tear stained faces.

"Lucy, why?, why do you have to love Cobra?" He said his voice raised, his sudden outburst confused me. This took me by surprise, he thinks I love Cobra?


"I don't love Cobra" I said my voice raising as high as his."I love someone better than Cobra.The person who I love was my first crush, first kiss and first love" I said.

Midnight looked at me with wide eyes and his mouth was onto the ground.

My eyes widened realising what I had said, he will know I love him now.

"Your first kiss? But I was your first k-" he said trailing off.His he's shot up and he had realisation plastered on his features.

"You love me?" He whispered making me blush and look down at my toes.I slowly nodded my head and mumbled."it's okay if you don't feel the s-mmff!"

I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine.It was the best kiss I have ever had, invisible fireworks just exploded in my mind and my lips were tingling at the sensation.

I pulled back gasping for air and raised an eyebrow, a smile still on my face though."what-"

"I love you too Lucy, I wanted to tell you at the Halloween party but I thought you liked Cobra so I gave up. I never gave up though, you can't just stop loving someone" he said leaning in to kiss me again, which I accepted.

I think the odds were in my favour today, because I got what I wanted.



Hey guys. you do not know how much I have been dying to say that she loves midnight.I ship them so much.

Sorry Colu fans, I'll give you all a Colu ending next chapter.I didn't think it was fair that only the Midlu fans got a happy ending.

So to make it fair next chapter will be colu, you don't really have to read next chapter of your a Midlu shipper but if your a colu fan you better read it.

And I'm sorry that i ended the book kind of on a cliffhanger.

And comment below book ideas, I'll be sure to take some on.if you want another Midlu an Colu book, stilu? Rolu? Anything really, even Lucy with a tree just comment below.

I will happily oblige.

I also made a new one shot book called 'big book of fairy tail one shots'. it has a nice one shot for Midlu so be sure to check it out.

Be sure to comment.

Junkofairy \o/

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