Chapter 12: Love confession

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Becky's POV

Last night, I was scared that I almost gave in when Freen asked if I liked someone. She noticed I was in love with someone, but not enough to know that she was the one I loved. Every day, I keep asking myself what would happen if I crossed the line.

Though it seems so easy to be straightforward, there's an obstacle to falling for your own best friend because you value your friendship more. If the outcomes turn out horrible, it could ruin our friendship, and even worse, we get hurt along the process.

In fact, I will be the one who's in more harm if she doesn't feel the same way, as I will be losing not only a best friend but also my potential soulmate. My hands are shaking just from thinking of risking my special friendship with Freen.

I am in dilemma whether to tell her that I like her or not cause either one of the decisions comes after their consequences.

It's like a gamble for me to confess to Freen. One where I will forever lose her as a friend and another one where I could turn her into someone more than a friend. If I am being a coward, I will just keep my emotion forever secret without her knowing until she finds someone else.

But can I endure the pain and watch her married to someone other than me? I acted like I didn't care whenever she was dating someone, and I was already in great pain. Plus, It's incredibly difficult to keep it a secret when we always tell our secrets to each other. Four years are long enough for me to keep my feelings untold without saying something to her.

However, when you're so in love with someone, you can't help but want to be with them for the rest of their life and build your future together. I guess love is complicated when you fall for your best friend. Because you know them so much, you can predict what they are about to say. And I guess that she only sees me as her platonic friend. I know her well enough to know what she will do next.

Of course, my prediction could be wrong if she feels the same way, but the other possibility makes me too scared to say anything.

Am I brave enough to destroy my friendship with Freen and go for an unguaranteed shot of love with her?

"Why the hell can't I just love her? Is it that hard to do, God?"

The situation is hard, and I've been waiting all this time to say it finally. It's time for Freen to know about my feelings.


After the morning shower, I decided to talk to her without fear of revealing my true feelings.

"We've been friends now for a while... I just want to say that I-" I paused to see her reaction, but in reality, I was very scared.

"What is it, B?" She worried about what I had to say.

"You know how I said last night that I liked someone, right? I just want to say that my love only gets stronger whenever I hide it. To find a love that felt right, I tried to forget her and find someone else, but I didn't feel good doing that." I professed before I got into the big hurdle.

Then I continued with my sentence, "I'm wondering if you're only just a best friend to me or that I tried to deny the feelings that already existed. Every time I wake up, I feel more than I should as a friend to you, and now I've been waiting to say this to you before it's too late. The truth is... I like you, Freen!"

Freen, on the other hand, kept her posture straight without saying anything. As if she had it hard to process. There goes my worry. 

Because this was my first time confessing to a girl, I didn't know how to react and left her apartment. And the worst part was she didn't even hold me back from staying.

I guess no answer means I got my answer already.

Author's note:
Sorry in advance 😂😂 I'll make it up to you in the next few chapters😉

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