Chapter 9: Goosebumps

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Becky's POV

"Wait! You already know this whole time?!" I was shocked at my mom.

"Beck, I am not an idiot not to notice the way you always stare at Freen like a puppy," She revealed.

"And you're okay with me liking a girl?" I brought up the topic I've been dreading in telling.

"Of course, I am fine with it! Love is not about gender. You should love whoever you are attracted to. I will support you no matter what, honey. Is that why you only told me now? Because you're scared of how I react?" She becomes concerned.

"I am just worried that you didn't accept who I am. That's why I was a bit hesitant. But now I don't think I could hide it anymore. I love her so much." I admitted.

"Aww, my baby grew up so well! Have you confessed to her yet?" She is now back to her nosy mode.

"I haven't..." I dwell on the fact that I was terrified.

"Well, you should. After years of observing the way Freen treated you, I can safely say that she may feel the same way as you. Plus, I realised she looked dejected when you told her to go instead of Heidi. I know that Freen may not be a great talker, but her warm actions speak so much about her feelings toward you." She let me know her opinion of Freen.

"Really... Am I wrong this whole time? If that's the case, I need to talk to her." I convinced myself.


The next day, Freen and I met as usual during lunchtime, but since we didn't have afternoon class today, I invited her to go for lunch outside the campus. Oddly enough, when I met her, she looked different. Like something is bothering her. So I asked her what was wrong.

"I am good! Nothing's wrong..." Freen tried to convince me.

"BB, you can tell me anything. Something is off," I hugged Freen to comfort her. Surprisingly, she hugged back but was more intense. It makes me feel some type of way.

She is definitely weird today. "What is it, BB?" I talked to her in my soft voice while still holding her tight.

"I want you to be happy... but why can't I seem to let you go?" She is now sobbing.

"Why would you want to let go of me in the first place? I don't understand." Now I am the one who is being weird.

Later, Freen explained the whole Heidi situation and how she would ship us together if that's what it takes for me to be happy. Now I see what the problem is. "Tsk tsk tsk. Freen, Freen. Why are you overthinking everything and making a big deal out of it." I was silently bewildered by this kid's mindset.

Thus, I gave her the rundown of the whole story about my rejection of Heidi's love confession. Instantly, she reacted with uncertainty, but soon enough, she couldn't help to control her happiness. "This kid is really something else," I thought to myself. Now, I am happy that she's back to herself again.

"But, is that the only reason why she is upset? Because she's scared that I will be in a relationship with Heidi and abandon her?" I told myself.

She is for sure hiding something from me.

Dearest, you said || Freenbecky || CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora