Chapter 4: Night out

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Freen's POV

During lunchtime, the three of us talked, and I came across that Heidi's childhood friend was Becky. What a coincidence. Judging from their body language, they looked very close, facing each other with their foods barely touched.

I don't want to feel left out by them, so I intervene and ask when they are close. Heidi added, "She was my friend from when I was a kid until high school in the UK before she moved to Thailand." She still stared into Becky's eyes with an intent look. That explains why Beck always spoke English with me during high school.

"I still remember I cried so much when you left after I made a love confession to you." Heidi laughed it off. Whereas Beck was taken aback that Heidi said that in front of me. Like I am not supposed to know about Heidi's feelings towards her.

Just when I thought I was about to flirt with Heidi, she and Becky were friends. Even worse, they had a long history together.

"But why is it worse?" I questioned myself.

"It's not like I like Heidi that much since I only recently met her today. And for Beck, I don't think I am jealous that she has another best friend." I make sense of my logical thinking.

As Heidi talked, she caught how awkward the moment was at this point and changed the topic. "Enough about the past. We should have a night out to celebrate the restart of our friendship," She suggested to Becky. At the same time, Beck gave me a look that only I could understand. She looked confused, almost feeling like she wanted me to go along with her but was afraid that I would reject her or maybe it was the other way around.

"Sure, but I wouldn't go if Freen isn't there with me," Beck was adamant about her decision. On the other hand, Heidi agreed with her request and excused herself before she got Becky and my phone numbers.

I am so overwhelmed with Heidi and Beck's situation that it makes me speechless. So, Heidi likes Becky, but what about her? Does she also feel the same way as Heidi? All the questions caused me to think silently without eating the food on the table.

"Are you okay, BB?" Beck is concerned about me. Then at that moment, her phone bells a notification indicating someone was sending her a text, and she looks at it. Suddenly, her eyes were wavery, and she looked at mine.

"Who is it?" I asked her like a jealous person. She unconfidently revealed the message was from Heidi and said to meet later, around 8 pm, at a nightclub. I know that Beck doesn't drink, which gives me more reason to follow her there.

"She also invited you to go along," She smiled, knowing I would join her in the club.

Heidi is really testing my patience right now... "what does she want out of this? Beck?" I pondered about Heidi's action a little too hard.


As Beck and I arrived at the nightclub, we stumbled upon Heidi, and she opened her arms to hug Beck, whereby I just stood there like I didn't belong there.

She then realised my existence and hugged me too, but less intimate. She holds Becky's hand and brings her to the bar to start the night. As concerned as I am for Beck's safety, I become alert throughout the time and follow Beck.

Heidi made Beck drunk until she was about to pass out. I don't know if Heidi is oblivious that Beck couldn't handle the alcohol, but she indeed gave me the ick.

To avoid making the situation any worse, I asked for Beck's permission to bring her back before she became unconscious, and she agreed.

At this point, I don't care how Heidi promised to take care of Beck. I couldn't trust her 100% yet. My priority right now is to bring Beck safely to her house.

"I could've let Heidi keep an eye on her, but why don't I dare to let you go? Why do I always care for you?"

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