He remembered something his mother told him one day when he was young. Tanjiro was very young, and his siblings were practically babies. He was being mean to them which prompted his mother to have a talk with him. Tanjiro sat next to his mother within their household, having his hair caressed as she lectured him, "Tanjiro, it's important to be kind and considerate for the people around you. Your siblings need you, they look up to you. It's your duty to protect them as their older brother. Sympathy comes with consideration, you'll understand that as you grow up."

Tanjiro sat up, gasping for air and looked around to notice his clothes were stained from his sweat. He looked around and held onto his head, his mind was so scrambled he didn't know what to do. He's so conflicted, he has no confidence in himself or his abilities anymore and he's not even sure about his ideology he's held onto for the longest time. He wished he had an answer, someone that can show him the light and comfort Tanjiro. He thought he saw that within the Slayer, but he struck that hope down and now the man doesn't even want to acknowledge Tanjiro's existence. He looked out the window into the empty streets of the Red Light District. No lights were on, it was completely desolate. It reminded him of himself. In a way, he can understand Zenitsu's insecurities, now that he's seen how powerless he really is. What if he comes across the demon? Does he have what it takes to get the job done after seeing what the Hellwalker and Rengoku are capable of? Can he really hold onto that flimsy ideology of his?

He looked towards the moon and the reality of the situation began to dawn on him which made him break down, crying. He buried his head within his arms and cried out, "Mom? Dad? What am I supposed to do? Every time I climb over an obstacle, there's an even higher one to take its place. It's so hard to keep on going on, and I don't know what to do…" Alas, there was no answer, no person to give the boy solace, only himself as he was left to ponder the questions he presented to himself.






Elsewhere, in a separate dimension different from the one they were in, was the city of Immora. It is a magnificent city spanning farther than the eye can see. It was unlike anything any mortal has laid their eyes upon. The crimson skyscrapers and spires covered the city grounds, piercing the dark sky above. It was, after all, the capital city of Hell, where the Dark Lord resided. The inhabitants were nothing like the monstrosities that were associated with Hell. They are the byproducts of corruption due to mortal lifespan, something that the residents of Immora don't have to deal with. They are elegant, beautiful people who roam the city. It was truly peaceful unlike the barren landscapes of Hell. It was the only sanctuary for the citizens of the city as leaving would expose them to the elements and they would morph into the demons the Slayer fought.

The Dark Lord, Davoth, sat on his throne in the tallest building in all of Immora. He was wearing a simple, black jumpsuit with an artifact imbued within his chest and a red crystal glowing from within it. Besides him, the Marauder remained at attention, waiting for his master's orders. The panels of the floor opened and a man emerged from underneath via a rising platform. He is a scientist that was holding onto an advanced device capable of storing more data than any supercomputer known to mankind. The scientist bowed before his lord and pushed his nervousness away to speak, "My lord, we have begun construction of your new weapon." He pressed a button on his device which revealed a holographic display of the Dark Lord's weapon.

Both Davoth and the Marauder observed the holographic display, taking in the details of the new weapon the Dark Lord would be using. Davoth spoke up, his voice echoing with power, "Continue with the weapon, I need it completed as soon as possible." The scientist bowed, dismissing himself as the platform descended and the tiles of the floor moved to cover the entrance.

There was a brief period of silence until the Marauder decided to break the silence, "My lord, with all due respect, why send the Slayer to that dimension?"

The Dark Lord didn't move his head, only keeping his eyes on his underling. He answered, "Nothing there will kill him, they simply don't have the potential."

"But why-"

"Time wasters. They will provide a suitable distraction until I have regained enough footing over the land that was taken from me." The Marauder didn't say anything in response because he got the answer he wanted. Davoth sat up before he continued, "Although, there is something I'm curious about." The Marauder inquired of his master, requesting elaboration. "I want you to go to the ruins of the Cultist Base. There is a relic I want you to retrieve."

The Marauder knelt before his master, simply stating, "It will be done, my lord." before getting up to fulfill the Dark Lord's request. Things were coming together perfectly for Davoth. He was able to regain his strength freely without the distraction of the Slayer. It's only a matter of time till they meet once again, it's only a matter of time.

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