Jimin smiled, 'Great!'

Hoseok: Yeah. But is Kookie ok now?

Tae nodded, 'Yeah. He might feel a bit weak, but if we feed him properly, he will be alright soon.'

Hoseok: That's good-

Just then Jungkook came out from washroom after doing his morning routine and ready for the day. He saw Hoseok and wished him morning with a soft smile.

Jungkook: Good morning Hobi hyung. You are not going university today?

Hoseok felt a bit sad when Jungkook didn't give his usual sun-shining smile to him. The boy became much gloomy.

Hoseok: No bunny. Not only me, no one is going anywhere today. It's our holiday...

Jungkook looked confused, 'Suddenly?'

Tae spoke up, 'We are planning to stay all day with you today Kookie.'

Jungkook pointed at him, 'Me?'

Jimin chuckled, 'Yes! Isn't it will be fun?'

Jungkook: So, I won't go university today?

Tae face palmed, 'Pabo! If you go then why we are staying home huh? We are staying cause we wanna spend whole day with our bunny! So, of course you are not going anywhere!'

In other times, Jungkook usually loves that type of idea. He loves to spend more times with hyungs and loves to be the center of their love and affections. But, today he didn't show enough cheerfulness. He reserved his happiness inside, he is afraid of what if his hyungs got angry again if he done something by mistake also! So, he decided to be more reserved and silent!

Idiot bunny.

Hoseok came near him and hugged him by side, 'Aren't you happy kook-ah?'

Jungkook tried to smile, 'Y-yes I'm hyung. Thank you for staying for me.'

The elder trio looked at each other a bit sadly. They expected Jungkook will be happy to hear that. But looks like he is not that happy actually! The twins looked at the elder and the elder sighed, signaling them to stay quiet for now. Then he turned to makhne and smiled.

Hoseok: Let's go Kookie. Hyungs are waiting for you, we will have breakfast together and then we have so many plans! Let's goo.'

He pulled the boy with him and the twins followed them after.


Once Jungkook reached dining room, he was engulfed with a tight hug. By smelling the scent he can tell it's Jin hyung. He also hugged him back.

Jin parted the hug and looked at him, 'How is my bunny doing now?'

Jungkook smiled, 'Fine hyung-ie.'

Jin: Sure? No dizziness?

Jungkook sat on his chair and shook his head, 'No hyung. I'm alright. Don't worry.'

-Yes hyung, our Kookie is a strong boy, right bunny?' Yoongi entered the room and ruffled Jungkook's hair lovingly. Jungkook smiled a little. Namjoon also came and kissed his forehead before sitting in the chair with everyone else. Jungkook was fluttered from inside after getting these all sweet little love and care from his hyungs. But, he was still in a daze of fear...he couldn't get out of it.

His hyungs noticed his gloomy state, they all felt so sad and specially Jin. He felt so guilty for making his baby that much suffer, he understand now that it was extreme punishment for him.

Jimin gave some more foods on Jungkook's plate but Jungkook whined.

Jungkook: Hyung! I can't-

Jimin: Shut up. Finish it all, you need to be fit and healthy now.' He said with fake stern tone, but Jungkook's messy mind took it as another way. He again got scared of the thought of making them angry, so he quickly started eating.

Jungkook: O-ok hyung.'

He started stuffing much in his mouth and his hyungs was shocked!

Yoongi: Hey bub! Slow down...why you are in such hurry?

Jimin also was shocked, he expected more whining from youngest but it's total different here! He patted his back, 'Kookie. Calm down. You will chock on food like that-

And in the next second...Jungkook really chocked. He started coughing and all of his hyungs worked up.

Jin came near him, rubbing his back, 'See? Such a hyper bunny I got! Told you to eat slowly.'

Tae: Easy...easy...here have some water!'

Tae gave him a glass of water, but by accident it slipped from Jungkook's hand and he panicked even more! His eyes started tearing up. He looked at his hyungs with scared and teary eyes. Like a frightened baby bunny, he looked around.

Jungkook: S-sorry hyungs...I didn't mean to break it....P-please don't be a-angry. I'm s-sorry-

All of his hyungs wouldn't get that shocked even if a thunder occurred in house! They finally understand why Jungkook is that quiet and gloomy now! He is afraid of them!

Jin quickly hugged the boy who was now sobbing softly. He buried his face on Jin's tummy and wrapped his arms around Jin's waist while Jin rubbed his back.

Jin: Kookie! Baby, no one is gonna scold you, no one is angry! Why you are crying, huh?

Yoongi: bun, it was an accident! Hyungs are not angry...hell why we will be? It happens. Aish kook! Don't cry like that bub!

Tae: Kookie, there is nothing to be scared ok? We all are here for you, we won't scold you baby...come on. Stop crying, kook!'

Jimin: bunn, if you keep crying like that, then you are gonna get sick again!

All of his hyungs circled around him and started comforting him and saying him that they won't be angry with him anymore! It took a good twenty minutes to make the boy calm down. He sniffed and looked around his hyungs with his bambi eyes.

Jungkook: Y-you won't be angry...w-won't ignore me right hyungs?' he asked for confirmation. And all of his hyungs smiled warmly.

Jimin hugged him tightly, 'No way bunny. We love you, ok?'

Jungkook scrunched his nose cutely, 'I love you too.'

Yoongi wiped his tears, 'Now stop crying. Everything is alright here, hmm?'

Jungkook nodded, 'O-okay hyung.

Namjoon: So, now come and eat a bit more. Then we will watch a movie together ok?

Jungkook nodded and they all returned in eating peacefully...

Life goes on [Jungkook's Six Strict Hyungs][ a BTS Brotherhood FF]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat