[Chapter 27: So Much For That]

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"A-Amusing...!?" You stuttered with a shocked voice, panicking internally about what the three of them were arguing about. And why wasn't Michael doing anything...!? "I-In what way do you mean exactly...!?"

"Telling me to "Shut up" and to "back off"...I mean honestly. How bad-mannered can some people be...? At least I'm not the one who plagued sweet (Y/n) with poisonous phone calls, and ended up physically assaulting her once her psychology classes had finished for the day, now am I~?" The psychiatrist cooed angelically, pointing out past events and sounding more and more patronising with every passing second that flew by.

"Well at least WE didn't force (Y/n) into living with us." Billy reminded spitefully, engaging in said fight and glaring at him with disgust.

"OR use emotional blackmail towards her." Stu fiercely cut in, gritting his teeth while he threw Hannibal's argument instantly back in his face. "So DON'T try to play all innocent here, dip-shit."

" "Play all innocent"? What a juvenile response. I don't need to play all innocent. Why would I...? Because when you get right down to it, I haven't done anything." The smart male smoothly retorted, leaning against the doorframe before crossing his arms.

"Are you fucking SERIOUS...!?" Stu retaliated furiously, disbelief dripping from his tone as he tried to keep his calm. "What, do you have fucking AMNESIA or something mate...!?"

"Um, Stu, that's a little—"

"No, I don't believe so." Hannibal commented with a nonchalant voice, looking at them both uncaringly. "If anything, I'd expect the local hospital to remind me if I'd been recently diagnosed with such a hazardous medical condition."

" "Haven't done anything"!?" Billy insanely laughed, beginning to lose it whilst he started to become unstable. "Are you KIDDING us right now...!? YOU and the OTHERS were clearly the ones who—"

"If you wish for someone to publicly accuse, I'd - personally - hold Michael responsible." The psychiatrist remarked disinterestedly, releasing a bored sigh after raising his eyebrows. "Not me."

"Why Myers...?" Stu suspiciously questioned, not trusting Hannibal in the slightest as he flashed the silent stalker a cautious glance instead.

"Hannibal, I swear to God..." You coolly interjected, entering the argument yourself and realising what he was attempting to do. "Michael's not the only one accountable here, so don't try to shift the blame entirely onto him. He just did what you and the others ordered him to do. So just drop it already—"

" "Ordered him to do"? Mi amore, I don't recall ever ordering one of the others to—"

His Infatuation - Slashers x Reader [Book Three]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن