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Suggested listening: Dawn of Solace - Choice

Hwoarang was still holding Jin's hand and crying, when the police arrived into the room.

-Sir, you have to come with us. You're under arrest for intrusion and intimidation. If you do not come willingly, you will be taken by force.

-Yeah. I'd like to see that, really. But I have no will to fight or resist the arrest, so, please, do what you must. But first, let me say goodbye.

He touched gently Jin's hair and looked at him smiling in a bittersweet fashion; he then kissed him on the temple and on his mouth, crying a little bit more. -I will see you again. And you will be awake. Goodbye, Jin.

The police officer put handcuffs on Hwoarang, who looked at his lover as much as he could before he was too far away to see him anymore. His heart was aching so much, he didn't care what was happening to him. He came for a reason, and he achieved what he aimed for. He was at peace with himself, at least concerning that part.

He got in the police vehicle and then in the police station; he had enough experience with breaking the law to know he was caught for misdemeanours, and he would probably just pass the night in a cell and maybe receive a fine. But when he got there, much to his surprise he was brought into the interrogation room, where a Sergeant was waiting for him.

-Hwoarang, I see your rap sheet in Japan might be almost spotless, but the Korean one is another story.

-You pulled my Korean record?!

-Sergeant. It's Sergeant.

-Yes, sir. It's Sergeant for you too, just so you know. Korean army, spec-ops. Maybe that is not in your file.

-Oh, it is. Just as your desertion is, Sergeant.

-I went back to the army and finished my service. And it has nothing to do with what I am here for today.

-But it does. You escaped your base to participate into the fourth Iron Fist Tournament, and I quote, "Let me at least beat up Kazama first", that's what you said to your Captain.


-And you broke the law twice tonight and were found in Mr. Kazama's room in ICU. Now, we both know I can only hold you that much time for your breaking into the hospital and menacing to beat up a doctor, but who tells me that you weren't there to harm Mr. Kazama while rendered armless? He's a powerful man you hold a grudge against, it seems.

-Wha-what?! Are you high or something, Sergeant? I would never hurt Jin Kazama. He is... was my boyfriend, until some weeks ago. We have a house bought under our names, together. You can check it out easily. Pin anything you want on me, but the reason I got into this mess in the first place is because I was told he was in the hospital late at night, and I wouldn't wait till visiting hours to see him. That's all. No big deal, no conspiration against the Mishima Zaibatsu.

-I will check what you claim for the house. In the meantime, an officer will escort you to your chambers for tonight.

Hwoarang was thrown into a cell with five other people, two of which as drunk as it gets, and left to rot there until the morning. "Ah, the good old times. It reminds me of my teenage years. Never thought I'd be back in a cell that fast, though".

The night passed without any fuss, and to the quite evident disappointment of the Sergeant, Hwoarang's story checked out; he was then released with a fine, and was free to go. "Too bad my bike is at the hospital. I will have to take the bus there". He took one, arrived at destination and patiently waited for visiting hours to be open. Then he went up the third floor again, and into Jin's room. Nothing had obviously changed.

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