Kimchi Stew

166 21 39

Suggested listening: Guns n' Roses - Paradise City, then OneRepublic - Love Runs Out

Walking rather slowly, at the fifth floor they were, eventually. Hwoarang's neck was getting darker by the minute where Devil Jin's hand had been not long before.

-Hope you have some ice in the freezer, I don't think using a beer can would be useful.

-Don't worry, Kazama, I do have ice. I'm just not exactly jumping at the idea of it touching my neck. It hurts like a motherfucker.

Jin didn't reply, head tilt. They entered the apartment in silence, and Hwoarang fetched some ice cubes from the freezer, put them in a towel. Hesitating for a bunch of seconds, he leaned the towel against his neck, probably a little too strongly.


Jin put his hand on Hwoarang's, picking the towel up. -You have to do it gently, or you'll do more harm than good. Here, let me.- With feather hands, the Japanese started slowly covering different part of the other man's neck, trying to be even more careful where the bruise was worse. Sometimes, Hwoarang would startle at the pain. -Try and stay still, please.

-Why does this remind me of something. Oh, yes, it was when you were helping me with my burns for saving your life. Now, we have some freezing ice instead, because you tried to strangle me to death. You did me a nice 180, Kazama.

-Can you please call me Jin?

-Is this everything you have to say after all I have just told you? Kazama?

Jin sighed. -I guess I deserve this. Forget about it, like I never asked.

The two stayed in silence for a while, each lost in his thoughts, while the Japanese still tended to Hwoarang's neck.

-I think this will suffice, for today. You should try to get some sleep now. I will be back tomorrow morning to help. Is there anything you need me to buy on my way in?

-No, I have everything I need. 

-Fine. That's it, then. Good night, and sorry again for all the trouble.

The Japanese was almost out of the apartment, when Hwoarang said -Thank you... Jin.

Kazama smiled, closed the door, and he was gone.


The following days more or less all followed the same routine: Jin arrived in the middle of the morning to apply some more ice to Hwoarang's bruise, which was looking a bit better every day. They would eat lunch together at the small table in the room, only for the ice part to start again one more time. 

-You're an amazing nurse, I have to admit. I want to explore more of your talents. Do you want to clean my apartment too? Payment by the hour.

Jin rolled his eyes. -I'm not a maid. And you couldn't afford me even if you wanted to.

-So, you know how to make a joke! What a day, what a day.- Hwoarang clapped his hands slowly. -Ah, I needed a laugh in these gloomy days. Listen, why don't you stay for dinner? I bought the ingredients to make my great Kimchi stew, you really don't want to miss it. What do you say?

-You really want me to stay for dinner?

-No, I asked the lamp. Of course I'm inviting you, dumbass. If you don't have some important Kazama stuff to attend to, that is.

-I can join. Never tasted some Kimchi stew. Hope you can cook as you say.

-Only a couple of dishes my mother taught me. But this is my masterpiece. You won't regret it.

The Devil In YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora