Dark Chocolate

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Suggested listening: Conrad Ricamora - All Of Me

-Not to ruin the moment, Hwoarang, but... can I ask you something?


-Why did you dye your hair to black? I kind of miss your ginger head.

-Oh, this. Well, I didn't exactly have much time to take care of bleaching and dyeing during a war. Plus, I needed a change. But I kept a streak of red here, you see, it was my flag of hope that one day I would see you again. Everybody called me a fool, said I should have concentrated on the war. The latter was true, I would have avoided a bullet in my shoulder. But I never gave up on you, as hopeless as it could sound. I just couldn't, or I would go insane.

Jin kissed him softly.

-If there is someone I hoped would never do that, is you. But... how did the bullet happen?

-Funny story, not. I was fighting against a soldier, bare handed. A mother called his son to come home and... his name was Jin. I was distracted by hearing your name spoken out loud and the soldier had the time to take his gun and fire it, fortunately without aiming, or I could be dead right now. He would have gone for my head.

-Funny? You almost died and once again, one way or another, it's my fault. Incredible. I'm so deeply sorry, Hwoarang. I hope it doesn't hurt as much as the first day.

-Well, duh, it happened three days ago, not much has changed, but don't worry, it was my mistake, not your fault. You weren't even there!

-Yeah, and that's pretty much the point.- Jin stayed silent for a bunch of seconds. -I know what I am about to say it's selfish and out of line, but... being this near to you, feeling your body heat, seeing you after all that's happened... I feel the urge to kiss you, touch you, make love to you. And then everything will be alright again, at least for a while.

-Selfish? Out of line? How do you think I've felt since you've crossed the door mat? Jin, I had thought I had lost you forever. Seeing you has been the greatest blessing my eye could ever ask for. I've longed for you since day one. How do you think I feel with you in front of me, in flesh and blood?

Jin smiled, genuinely happy for the first time in months. -Let me call Lars and tell him I will stay here, he's still waiting for my word. Then, we can talk about... this.

The Japanese called the other man and told him he had secured his shelter at Hwoarang's place, so he took off, returning to Violet Systems. Jin then turned off the phone, throwing it on the table.

-Now, where were we.

He put Hwoarang against the wall and started kissing him softly at first, ravenously after a short while. The two had time to make up for, and it showed. The way they kissed each other, almost eating at each other's mouth, it seemed a lifetime had passed since they last shared one, instead of months. Their tongues searched for the other, as if one could suddenly disappear into nothing, and the two barely breathed in the passion of the moment. Hwoarang held on Jin's face firmly, as if he feared he could go away any minute, while Jin sweetly caressed the other man's hair with a hand, and his cheek with the other.

-I... I feared I would never be able to do this anymore in my life.- said Hwoarang, a timid streak a tears on his cheeks.

-But now I'm here. I'm here. And you can do whatever you want.

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