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Suggested listening: Muse - Undisclosed Desires

The day of the announcement passed quite slowly, without any further information from the UN. The tension was palpable and both Hwoarang and Jin were mostly silent.

-So... can I bring you something? A tea, maybe?

-Hwoarang, I have waitresses for this. But thanks for the thought.

-We can't just wait as toy soldiers, we'll go crazy. We don't even know if they'll make contact today. It's evening already, and they have to evaluate your offer. It isn't something to take lightly. We should decompress a little bit.


-I have an idea or two.

-You can't possibly be thinking...

-Why not? Jin, if they decide to decline your offer, this is our last night together. Maybe forever. Is it like this that you want to remember it? I surely don't. I want to remember your body and soul connecting with mine, like only you and me can.

-You're right. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm so sick of waiting, it's twisting my stomach.

-Then come with me to your master bedroom, and let's make some better memories than these.

The two took it slow, real slow, like they were tasting some fine wine or a rare delicatessen; they explored each other as if they had never done it before, tasting each other, touching each other on every inch of their skin. And when they finally made love, taking turns inside their lover's body, it was the sweetest movements, the lightest caresses, the most passionate touches. When they both found their release, they stayed entwined together, facing each other, looking each other in the eyes, without saying a word, but telling everything which needed to be said.

-Can we stay forever like this? Away from the world?- said Jin.

-I wish we could, with all my heart. Now, let us sleep together tonight. Tomorrow might be an important day.



-Thank you. I love you dearly.

-I love you too, Jin Kazama. Never forget that.


The morning finally came. A timid ray of light came through the dark curtains. Jin was already up, woken by his preoccupations, while Hwoarang slept in a little more.

-You already up?

-Couldn't sleep very well.

-Let's have a good breakfast, shall we?

-I'm not hungry, Hwoarang, sorry.

-Okay, okay, don't worry. Whatever you need and want. Just tell me what I can do, I hate you seeing you like this.

-You can't do anything, sadly. Just wait with me, I guess.

-And while we wait, I'll give you a massage. Don't even try to say no, I know you love my massages.

-Can't hurt, I suppose. Thank you.

But in the middle of the calming massage, a knock on the door.

-Sir? A UN delegation is here. They are waiting for you in your office.

Hwoarang looked at Jin with panic in his eyes.

-This is it. My love, my everything, whatever happens, remember what I told you. You're my soul mate, forever. I'm with you whatever happens.

The most passionate kiss followed, a kiss which seemed never-ending.

-And I love you too, whichever they decide. Come with me in my office. I want you with me when they give their verdict.

The two reached the main office, where a delegation of diplomats and armed guards were waiting for them.

"Armed forces? Not a good sign", Jin thought.

Jin saluted all the committees and stayed on his feet, without sitting down on his chair. Hwoarang stayed by his side.

-We have heard your offer, Jin Kazama. A generous one indeed.

There was a long, too long pause.

-But it's not enough. Millions of people died because of your actions, even though they were moved by... let's say noble principles in the beginning. We simply cannot show the world that money alone can buy you a way out, or every tyrant, every dictator in the world can save himself by paying himself his freedom. And that is just not acceptable. It's also true, though, that leaving the world as it is it's of no use to no one. The Mishima Zaibatsu money could make a difference to a lot of people at this point. Therefore, we have decided to add a provision to your offer. You will do everything you stated, but you will also serve one year in prison. I hope you appreciate the fact we reduced your sentence to a minimum. It's simply a symbol for the people around the world. You will receive no special treatment, you will be just as any other criminal. Do you accept? The alternative is prison for life for crimes against humanity.

-I accept.

-Jin, wait!

-Hwoarang, it's only fair. Too fair, to be honest. I will serve my sentence with humility.


-I made up my mind. It's the right thing to do.

-Jin Kazama, the UN finds you guilty of crimes against humanity. For this, you will serve one year in maximum security prison and dismantle all your tanks, your army, and give 80% of the Mishima Zaibatsu funds to the UN to reconstruct countries affected by the war. Guards, please, take him into custody.

-Wait, WAIT!

Hwoarang harshly put aside some guards to find himself in front of Jin; he gave him a long, long kiss keeping his face in his hands.

-Will you wait for me?

-All the time in the world.

-That's enough, take the prisoner away.

And just like that, Jin Kazama was brought away from Hwoarang and the Mishima Zaibatsu.

-I will wait for you till the end.

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