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Suggested listening: Ciara - Paint It, Black

The morning after, Jin and Hwoarang slept in for the first time in a while; the coziness and fulfilment from the night before demanded for some extra hours of sleep.

Hwoarang was the first to wake up, a bit sore everywhere from the lack of certain exercise, and stayed immobile, his right arm sustaining his head, looking at Jin while he peacefully slept. He smiled, reckoning he hadn't seen him so serene in a good while. It was heartwarming for him, after all Jin had been through, and being a part of his happiness filled him up with pure joy. He didn't want to wake him up, but the day before he had said something about going to the Mishima Zaibatsu headquarters for some big reason, so they had to get the day going.

-Jin? Jin? Wakey wakey, Princess, it's late already. Your realm awaits you.

-Mmpf. Another five minutes. Please.

-I don't think so, big boy, it's almost 10:30. You will kill me later if I don't wake you up now. Chop chop! Or you won't have any breakfast.

-Okay, okay. Just because I don't want to kill you later.

Hwoarang smacked a kiss on his temple and went to the bathroom to wash himself and his teeth. - Dibs on the shower! You're slow. By the way, what is it you have to do at the Zaibatsu today? You didn't finish explaining yesterday.

-Can I please fully wake up before discussing work? I'm still half asleep, Hwoarang.

-Alright, alright, my bad. When you're up to it.

After a short while, Hwoarang was done with his deeds and came back from the bathroom with only a towel on the lower part of his body, hair dripping water.

-You look stunning, know that, wifey.

-I know, thanks. It's because of the dull eye, it gives me that mysterious look.

-Dumbass. I was serious.

-I know, sorry. And thanks.- he kissed Jin's hand. -You awake now? Feel like talking about that super important thing?

-Yeah, well. During the last year, I've been using great part of the Mishima Zaibatsu funds to research the Devil Gene, since killing Azazel didn't give the result I hoped for. I received a call from Dr. Bosconovitch yesterday, he said a great breakthrough has been done. He didn't say anything else, if not to go there as soon as possible. That's why I'm going today. Want to come with?

-If you'll have me. But, aren't you in control of the Devil now? Is it really strictly necessary to get rid of it? If it hadn't been for it, you wouldn't have been able to beat Kazuya. Maybe...

-Hwoarang, why do you think I haven't reacted to the thugs in prison, other than the fact that I would have taken the blame? My blood was boiling. I could feel my rage. I had to bury it under layers and layers of emotions to control it. If I had turned to Devil Jin when they raped me, I would have massacred them all. And I would have been executed for that. I realised it's too dangerous, it cannot be fully controlled. It will always maintain some of its bestiality. It's not meant to be subjugated, and eventually it will take control over your humanity, just like it did Kazuya. I can't allow that. I don't want to be a monster.

-I hear you. And I support you. I only hope it's not dangerous for you to get rid of it.

-That's what Bosconovitch will tell us. We'll see. By now, they're only empty words.

After a rich breakfast and a light lunch, Jin and Hwoarang took Jin's bike and went straight for the Mishima Zaibatsu building. Jin was extremely tense, Hwoarang could tell by the way he drove and his posture; the possibility of being free of his demonic side was more than huge for him, and the Korean feared he could be imagining a solution whereas Bosconovitch could only have more information to share. He didn't want to see him let down, so he hoped to be wrong for Jin's sake. In the meantime, he tried making him relax a bit hugging him sweetly while riding, making him feel his presence. He could only do so much by now.

When they arrived at the headquarters, Jin was silent while getting off his bike, and still silent while entering the building and taking the elevator down to the laboratories.

-Jin... don't expect too much, maybe it's just some new intel on the gene. If you set the bar too high...

-Don't make me regret bringing you with me, Hwoarang.

-Geez, message received. I'll play the silent game as well, then.

Th elevator doors opened and the two found themselves in Dr. Bosconovitch's laboratories. They found him not far from where they were.

"How is this guy still standing? He looks a hundred years old", Hwoarang thought.

-Dr. Bosconovitch. I got your message. Please, tell me all your new discoveries.

-Good day, Mr. Kazama. Glad you could make it so fast. I have made a groundbreaking discovery about the Devil Gene, about how it works. It attacks the "sane" cells in your body during a transformation, while it is usually dormant in normal situations. But, it's still attached to the sane cells, part of them, just like a tumor becomes a part of an organ. That made me think about common cures for tumors: radiations, chemotherapy, radiotherapy... they all destroy the malignant cells while dealing minimal damage to the sane ones. Why don't we do the same with the Devil Gene, I thought. After many trials and errors, I was able to create a specific type of radiation which destroys great part of the Devil Gene cells attached to the sane ones. Of course there are side effects...

-I want to do it.

-But, sir, I still haven't explained what it would cost you...

-Would it cost me my life?

-No... theoretically.

-Then, I'm good for it. How many rounds would I need to be a hundred percent free of it?

Hwoarang interrupted the two. -Jin, wait, wait a second. It wouldn't cost you your life theoretically? And you still haven't listened to all the side effects it would have? This is all experimental, you can't dive into it as if it was secure. Please listen to everything, weigh everything, don't hurry just because you want it gone. You will get rid of it, but this isn't the right approach to something as important, your health is at stake here!

-Mr. Kazama, you should perhaps listen to the young man and listen to all I have to say before you decide...

-From my knowledge, I am still the boss around here. If I say I want to try it, we do that. Here, now. Prepare your machines, Bosconovitch, I am ready for the process. There's no time to waste: I have a demon to destroy.

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