Plan AZ

97 16 22

Suggested listening: Woodkid - Guns For Hire

-Hey, stranger.

-Hi, Hwoarang. Sorry for not coming in yesterday, but work killed me.

-Don't worry, you're here now. And, look! I can sit now without my head spinning or getting any bleeding from the wounds. I'm getting better, I can feel I'll be out of this damn hospital soon.

-Not too soon, remember last time. I'm glad you're improving, I really am.- but Jin's face was dark and almost emotionless.

-Yeah, it shows. Something bothering you?

-Only the fact that I was the one to put you in a hospital bed, again. I feel guilty and nothing is going to take this guilt away, Hwoarang, not even your beautiful smile.

-I can't imagine how you're feeling, Jin, but... look at the bright side of it, I was able to bring you back, again. That's the again that matters. We can beat this Devil, I know it. If only I had noticed you turning a little bit earlier, I bet I could have prevented you from becoming the beast at all.

-You can't carry the weight of my demonic gene on yourself. I should be doing that, and I am doing that, by the way. I might have found the solution to my problem.

-For real?! That's... amazing! What is it?

-It's a long story, Hwoarang, and you're still recovering. I'll tell you everything when you're back at home, okay? Promise.

-Okay, okay. But I don't like being kept in the dark.

-I'm not keeping you in the dark, I am... working on it. Preparing everything for it to work.

-Just tell me if I can do anything to help, please.

-You have done well enough for a lifetime, Hwoarang. Just rest, now.- and he kissed his forehead.

-What am I, sixteen? I want a proper kiss, Kazama.

-As you wish, Sergeant.

The two kissed passionately for a minute, Jin caressing Hwoarang's face gently.

-We have to go, sir. I'm receiving updates on the project.

-Woah, and who is this now?

-Nina Williams. She's my bodyguard, I hired her just yesterday, It's her first day at work.

-Yeah, and she's here to do show and tell to the class? Do you really need a bodyguard to come see me at the hospital? What's going on?

-My Intelligence says I could face retaliation from Violet Systems. Chaolan is not stupid, and he has his suspicions. So, yes, I though better safe than sorry.

-I think you're being a little paranoid here, Kazama, but you do you. Cool costume by the way, Dina.

-It's Nina.

-Whatever. I should try one of those too one day, what do you think, Jin?

-That you're an idiot. Take care of yourself in here. I'll be back tomorrow. I love you.

-And I love you. But she's not bad either.

Jin raised his eyes while Hwoarang laughed under his nose, and that was the wrap of the hospital visit of that day. When they were out of the building, the Japanese asked Nina what was going on.

-Other nine oil fields were acquired, sir, plus three space colonies. All in a good day's work. If the Zaibatsu keeps the pace up like this, Plan AZ will be completed in a few weeks.

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