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Suggested listening: Iron Maiden - The Fallen Angel

"...deep turmoil is turning the world upside down as the Mishima Zaibatsu CEO, Jin Kazama, after acquiring three quarters worth of the world's oil fields, has just declared independency from all the nations and deployed his military forces inside of the city of Tokyo. His plans remain unclear as the world prepares for the worst..."

Hwoarang turned off his old TV, sick to his stomach. Jin was indeed going through with his madness. He couldn't believe his ears, and yet, he knew nothing could convince him otherwise once he had set his mind on it. He was back to his old apartment, and with him was his master, Baek Doo San, who flew to Tokyo from South Korea when Hwoarang told him about what was going to happen in the following weeks. Months, possibly.

-The Kazama boy is preparing for war, it's clear as day. Do you think he will strike Tokyo as well?

-No, I don't think so. When he starts attacking the other countries, Tokyo will stay still and silent, or face total destruction. It's his headquarters, he can't bring mayhem here too. But, he will militarise it, that's for sure. He will try keeping everyone at bay, and that I will not stand. I've seen enough military and dictatorship in my days to see a tyrant in Tokyo too.

-Then, what do you plan to do, Hwoarang?

-Build up a resistance to the military forces. I've lived here long enough to know some people I can trust on this. And they know other people who will be on board too. We can do our part, however small.

-That's talking. I like your plan, and you can count me in.

-I was actually hoping you would lead us, Baek. You're the strongest and most seasoned of us.

-You mean the oldest! No, my leading days are behind me, son. You grew to be an excellent fighter, and a Sergeant for the South Korean military forces. You are the perfect leader, if you can set aside your feelings for the Kazama boy.

-My feelings are entangled in an unknown ball of shit right now, Baek. They won't get in the way. Not if I don't have to face Jin himself, which I doubt. He will be somewhere else, not in Tokyo.

-Then it's settled. You will be the leader of the resistance, and I will be your deputy. Start calling in your guys, we don't have that much time before the war starts.

And Baek was sadly right. After a week, the announcement was made.

"...Mishima Zaibatsu's CEO Jin Kazama has finally made his plans clear and declared war to all nations of the world. His Forces are now moving into the bordering countries, already striking focal points of the main cities and burning their main buildings to the ground. The death toll is already piling up, estimating thousands of civilians fallen under the Zaibatsu fire. The city of Tokyo faces total militarisation as we speak, with a strict curfew instituted for its citizens and soldiers of the Tekken Force in every corner of every street..."

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