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- The truth -


She winches and tears up in pain as she carefully applies the ointment on her dark bruised cheek.

She lifted her shirt up, and saw another purple bruise on her stomach. It's all over her body and it has clearly turned blue and red. She can't really remember what happened the night after the dinner since everything went to blur the moment she felt a hard impact on the back of her head.

She can only remember that she felt numerous impacts all over her body, her hands are holding up above her blurry eyesight and she heard loud screaming in her surroundings.

She touches her head, giving it a light rub because she feels numb there. She sighs and lets her tears flow down her cheeks.

The dinner that night went on, the parents informed them about the arrangement as their business deals. They will be holding an engagement party in a week from now and she and Sunghoon will get married months after that.

What a mess.

Things are going too fast for her. She felt the pressure when the parents were announcing about the arrangement. The way they're 'encouraging', telling her how she is made for Sunghoon, and all the similarities both of them have...

She feels sick... She feels like throwing up that night. The look on their face when they said those sweet words about her and Sunghoon with those wide smirks. It's all... Disgusting...

Y/n told everyone including Felix that she wants to be alone for the day. She told Felix to not let anyone in her room. Thankfully her parents will be at work for a few days. She can have a time for herself to cope up with this messy situation. She hasn't eaten her meals properly in the past few days. Her mind is a mess, and she feels so anxious right now.

"Get it out get it out..." The voice of her heart echoes, trying to get rid of this bad feeling. It's the bad feeling again, the bitter feeling.

"Get it out of me. I hate this feeling!!"

Her hand clutches her chest tightly, she falls on the mattress and curls up into a ball. Her lips are tightly pursed together, feeling the bitterness on her tongue again.

"No... No... I... I need..."

The good feeling, the adrenaline... It's disappearing.

"Jungwon... Jungwon... I need him..."

Instantly, a picture of him appears in her mind, causing the urge to rise. She needs him, she needs him by her side. Only he can give her that good feeling again. He can give her the feeling... The feeling of HAPPINESS.

Unknowingly, more tears pouring out of her eyes. She feels so impatient that she tears up. She's urging for his appearance, she's craving for it. It makes her go crazy. It's making her lose sanity.



*Knock knock*

The knock on the door snaps her from her deep thoughts. She looks over her shoulder confusedly. She clearly told Felix and everyone to not bother her. It makes her frown, upset. The doorknob twisted and it opened, revealing Felix.

"Mr Felix, I told you I don't want any disturbance."

"I'm deeply sorry Miss y/n... But there's someone who wants to see you..."

"Please tell them I'm not available" y/n told and turns her back on him. She doesn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone right now, and her body is also aching, she doesn't have much strength to get out of her room.

"It's Sir Sunghoon..." She heard the name and froze for a second. Why didn't she expect that it was Sunghoon who wanted to see her??

She slowly turns over her shoulder again, frowning as soon she sees another figure behind Felix.


Both y/n and Sunghoon are at the backyard. Y/n has her cardigan on since the day is a little chilly, and she also wants to cover up the bruises.

Both of them stand next to each other, none of them utter a word. Y/n is staring down at the grass, while Sunghoon has his eyes on her since the beginning. Y/n doesn't know what to say.

"Maybe I should apologize for that night..." She told herself, to put an end to the tensioning silence. She knows Sunghoon is probably here because of the dinner night the other day. His parents must've been upset by her for injuring their son.

She sees the bandage on his hand and thinks "it's all my fault and he's angry for it..."

"Sunghoon, I'm sorry for getting you hurt the other night. I was careless and didn't look where I was going..."


He called and the next thing she knew, her chin was held before it was turned to look at him. She hisses out unconsciously and shuts her eyes in pain.

Sunghoon quickly loosened his grip and he saw the bruise on her cheek, hiding under those undone foundations. Y/n opens her eyes, confusedly looking at Sunghoon's face that turns bitter.


"Did they... Do this to you??"

His voice shakes. She felt his thumb gently rubbing the purple bruise as his trembling eyes were locked to it.

It create a great impact to her, causing her heart to shake vigorously. Unknowingly, her tears falls out like a river. Her blank face slowly frowns, her breathing becomes heavy.

She couldn't hold it and bawl her eyes out. The emotions she has bottled up have break down. Sunghoon sees her crying and was taken aback.

Y/n falls on the ground and he quickly holds her shoulders. Y/n doesn't know what has gotten into her. When Sunghoon noticed her bruise, she suddenly felt as if all of the wall she was trying to protect falls down, and all of her hidden secrets were exposed as she was cornered.

Sunghoon has come this far with her, so how come he wouldn't not know what's going on. His heart aches as he watches her vulnerable state.


He pulls her into his arms worriedly. His assumption was right. It makes his eyes darkens.

He couldn't believe that someone who're supposed to be a role model, would do something like this to their own child.

He has controlling parents, but they would never raise a hand on him like this. This is definitely not normal, and y/n is indeed in danger.

JUNGWON FF - Happiness in ObsessionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora