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- How it all started -

A black Lamborghini stops in front of the school, grabbing the attentions of the students nearby. The driver comes out and was about to open the back door when it suddenly slams open, hitting the poor man's chest causing him to fall on his butt.

Everyone gasp in shock and soon, a girl jumps out of the car like Mario. She stands up straight and they saw her school uniform.

A new student??

The girl looks around, inhaling the air loudly before hurriedly making her way inside the school, ignoring all the eyes on her.





"Here's your schedule. Have a good day and good luck."

The girl was then escorted to her class. The teacher told her to wait and went inside first. The girl's feet won't stop tapping. She's excited to meet new people, make new friends and all.

After a few seconds of waiting, she was called to come in. Taking a deep breath, she pushes the door open and walks inside.

"Everyone, we have a new student joining us." The teacher cues her and she quickly stands straight with a wide smile.

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Kang y/n, I'm from Seoul! Please to meet all of you and I hope we can be friends!!"

She bows down sharply and looks up. Few students claps for her while others just casually looks at her, making her smile slightly wavers.

"Oh, it's not what I expected..."

She thought they're going to be excited to see her. Well, no one gets excited over someone they don't know.

"Thank you miss Kang. You may take your seat at the back."





"Hi, can I eat with you??"

She approaches a group of girls at their table with her tray of food. The girls eyes her up and down awkwardly.

"umm... It's okay we're good."

Her smiles drops. "Oh umm okay..."

She bows and awkwardly walks away towards another group of friends.

"Hello, I'm a new student. Mind if I join you guys??"

She asked but then notices they're not minding her. She asked again and got ignored, hearing the group start raising their voice together.

Feeling awkward again, she backs away and leaves the group table. Looking around, she suddenly feels unconfident to approach the rest, so she decides to go to the table at the corner of the cafeteria.

"Don't worry, it's normal. I'm a new student, of course they would be awkward with me. Gosh I'm going too fast... I should take things slow..."

She nods, cheering herself up before starts eating her foods while looking around the cafeteria. Everyone seems to have their own special personalities. Some are listening to music, some are using gadgets, and some are very loud and goofy. She wonders in the future when she make friends, what kind of friends will she be with??





JUNGWON FF - Happiness in ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now