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- His feelings, what do they know? -


Heeseung :
hey Jungwon, wanna
hangout today?!

Jungwon :
Sorry Hee, I'm not in the
mood right now.

Heeseung :
Same boring reason.
What's bugging you??

Jungwon :
Idk... I just don't
feel like it.

Heeseung :
Oooh I see~

Jungwon :

Heeseung :
Is someone thinking of a specific someone??

Jungwon :

Heeseung :
Forget it. Anyways, I've something
to tell you. It's about y/n.

I met her the other day.

Jungwon :

Heeseung :
At the cafe nearby. She was looking a little troubled yesterday. It's a long story but she was with a couple.

Jungwon :
A couple?? Who??

Heeseung :
I remember his
name is Sunghoon...

Jungwon :
Sunghoon?? The businessman Mr Park's son??

Heeseung :
Is that who he is??
Wow, I'm probably blessed...

Jungwon :
He's getting
married soon.

Heeseung :
He is?! Wow, so with
that girl he's with!

Jungwon :
Idk. Maybe. So you met him, and y/n is with them. What was she doing tho??

Heeseung :
Actually idk... You know what c'mon let's meet up!!

Jungwon :
Fine since you insisted...

Heeseung :
Yeah! I'll tell you the whole story in return.

Jungwon :
I didn't ask you to.

Heeseung :
Whatever you say~ anyways the usual place at 1pm sharp! See you there!





"eung? Sunoo??"

Jungwon reaches the street where they always meet up and is surprised to see Sunoo is there as well.

"hey Jungwon!" Sunoo greets with a smile, raising his hands up.

"I bumped into him on my way. I invited him to tag along!!" Heeseung explains.

"are we disturbing your plan Sunoo??"

"of course not! I was bored! Thank god Heesung invited me to hangout! So where are we going??"

"eat first. I'm hungry." Heeseung said and Sunoo suggests,

"tteobokki then! Let'chu go!!"





"So what is it that you want to tell me about the other day??"

After they made their orders, silence took over, so Jungwon started the conversation, reminding Heeseung about the tea he wanted to spill to him about y/n.

"I thought you said you weren't interested??" Heeseung wiggles his eyebrows, teasing the young one. Jungwon clicked his tongue.

"cause you said so! There's nothing to talk about anyways."

Heesung laughs, finding Jungwon funny, trying to hide his embarrassment by making up an alibi.

"okay okay fine" Heeseung then told them everything that happened the other with y/n.





"oooh so she's helping him in sorting the problem?? What for?? Are they close friends or something??"

Sunoo asked, confused on why y/n involved herself in Sunghoon's personal matter, and that is regarding marriage. Heeseung shrugs his shoulders.

"Isn't she that kind of person? She likes to help people." Sunoo defends, finding it normal for someone like y/n to invade someone's problem regardless of who the person is.

But the thing is, Heeseung didn't reveal to them about y/n's relation in the arranged marriage, as he promised her not to tell anyone. Thus, both Jungwon and Sunoo are oblivious about her being the arranged bride. So Heeseung just tells them what he can.

However, Jungwon isn't really convinced by it. He knows y/n can't be the type to pry on other's business, unless they're someone important to her.

"Maybe she knows Sunghoon... Since both parents are businessmen, maybe they have known each other since young..." He thought.

"I didn't expect that from her... Guess she's really nice." Sunoo said, amused by y/n's personality.

"right?? Jungwon might need to think over this." Heeseung agrees and eyes Jungwon as he looks up from the table.

"huh? Why me??"

Jungwon asked confusedly. Heeseung and Sunoo roll their eyes.

"bro, you're so annoying." Sunoo said.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"c'mon man! You talked about her a lot to me and you're acting so inNocEnt right now??" Sunoo's eyes widen and he turns to Heeseung, covering his mouth in surprise at his words.

"Omo you talked about y/n?!"

"oh let me tell you, he mentioned her loads of times." Heeseung nods, stating it loud and clear.

"Jungwon-shii.... Admit it now!!"

"Admit what?!! I only told Heeseung about her clinging onto me!!" Jungwon begins to feel flustered and nervous, thinking the information is misleading.

"yeah, you kept MENTIONING her!" Hee emphasized.

"admit!! Admit!! Admit!!"

Sunoo starts chanting and Heeseung soon follows, hitting the table lightly in rhythm. Jungwon slowly feels annoyed and frustrated.

"you guys are ridiculous!!" He yells angrily.

"Admit you like her too!!"

"I don't! Is there any way to talk it through with you guys?!"

Both of them shake their heads instantly. Jungwon groans.

"Enough talk. I have no appetite now..." He said and stands up. Quickly Heeseung stops him by his hand and pulls him back to sit down.

"Aww don't get upset with us Wonnie. We are just supporting you."

Jungwon glares at Heeseung and he instantly mutes himself, letting go his hand.

"I still think you like her." Sunoo quickly muttered and avoids Jungwon's glare.

"Oh the food is here!!" Sunoo cheers as he sees the waiter serves the dishes on the table. Everyone quickly starts eating, meanwhile Jungwon stares down at his dish, in his thoughts.

"Why does everyone keep pestering me about y/n? I hate when people are pressuring me that I like her when I actually don't even know how I feel about her. I don't hate her, but everyone's assumptions are just making me uncomfortable about this..."

JUNGWON FF - Happiness in ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now