Chapter 38

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When they arrived back at the agency, Sapnap grabbed Jschlatt while Karl took Quackity. Dream and Bad were standing beside their masters protectively as if getting close to Jschlatt was dangerous.

As they entered the lobby, Niki greeted them with a smile. "Welcome back boys, great-"

Her words dies on her lips when her gaze fell on the Jschlatt, and her smile wavered.

"Schlatt..." she called in a whisper, before walking over from her desk to take a closer look. She let out an audible gasp when she realized that her eyes were not deceiving her.

"Wilbur scoured the whole area of the shipwreck for you, we thought-"

"That I was dead? Well, sorry to disappoint Niki," Jschlatt immediately said in a rather cold tone.

Niki fidgeted with the bottom of her blouse before turning to Sapnap, "Does Wilbur know?"

"Yes he does..." a voice spoke up from behind her.

The group turned their gazes to the source, to find Wilbur scowling at his supposed-to-be-dead friend. "Chief wants you in the interrogation room now, your partner will be escorted to a cell."

Quackity was then guided away by Karl and Sapnap, while Wilbur harshly gripped onto Jschlatt's nape, and practically shoved him towards the interrogation room.

Wilbur entered the room with Jschlatt, while the rest of the agents and K-9s joined Fruitberries in the adjourning room, where they could see and hear everything.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Wilbur said icily.

"Where's Tubbo?" Jschlatt asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

"He's out with Tommy, I took him in after you disappeared."

"Please call them..."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow at Jschlatt's tone. It wasn't aggressive or threatening, but rather one that showed genuine concern.

"We'll take care of that Wil..." George's voice spoke up from the speakers in the room.

"Thanks, George," the agent answered, before turning his full attention back to Jschlatt. "Now why do you want Tubbo? If you think that I will let you talk to that boy without a good explanation for joining the MOB, then you are severely wrong."

"I just want to know that he's safe!" Jschlatt declared, taking Wilbur back a bit.

Jschlatt let out an exhausted huff and ran his fingers through his hair. "Why do you think I joined the MOB Wilbur?" he asked in a strained voice.

Wilbur stayed silent, and Jschlatt looked at him with anger.

"It was to protect him! When he got knocked out we found ourselves getting overpowered, and they killed everyone. I don't know what they saw in me, but they didn't shoot me and instead struck up a deal. They would let Tubbo go if I went with them!" He shouted at his old friend.

"I wanted to get out so many times, but they threatened to hurt Tubbo if I even attempted to do so! I purposely did a sloppy job so you guys could find me and get me out!" He continued, before slumping down in his seat exhausted.

"Wil..." George's voice called over the speakers, and Wilbur could sense the uneasiness in his voice.

"What is it George?" he replied softly.

"We can't reach Tommy, nor Tuboo..."

Concern and fear suddenly crossed both Wilbur and Jschlatt's faces, and the former quickly stood up.

"George, can you ask the hackers to try and track their positions?" Wilbur asked in a panicked voice.

"Okay," George replied and another voice spoke up, this time it was Fruitberries. "We can continue this interrogation later, you boys join us upstairs. Schlatt, we will release you from your restraints, but don't even think about escaping."

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