Chapter 5

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"Make yourself at home!" Karl yelled out as he dropped off the bags of groceries in the kitchen. His apartment was just a couple of floors below George's, and it was also an exact replica. He knew Skeppy lived in the building too but didn't know where exactly... well he did have the dark-haired man's number, maybe the three of them could hang out sometime.

Karl then returned to his K-9, who introduced himself as Sapnap, to tour him around the apartment, and show the K-9 his room. After they both freshened up and changed into more comfy clothes, Karl had the raven head sit in the living room while he got started on dinner.

Sapnap was rather grumpy when Karl first approached him and was hesitant to accept his offer to partner with him. Karl had also told the K-9 to call him by name rather than Master since he wanted them to be on equal ground.

Well, I hope that we can become good friends, it is important to trust your partner after all...Karl thought as he sliced some fruits to serve as a snack while waiting for their dinner to cook.

Unfortunately, his clumsiness kicked in at that exact moment, and he ended up cutting himself. He yelped in pain, and this caught Sapnap's attention.

Karl was about to apply some pressure on his cut when he smelt something burning. He turned to the pan that he had set on the stove, and quickly lifted it off the flames, burning himself slightly in the process.

That moment of chaos was followed by a loud sigh from his K-9. "Can't you do anything right?" Sapnap asked in an exasperated voice, before pulling the brunette closer to check on his cut.

Sapnap helped dress the injury, before fixing up their dinner that was now slightly charred, but still eatable.

"You're very dependable..." Karl complimented with a smile, to which the raven head quirked an eyebrow to. "Why didn't you have a master when you are this skilled?" the brunette added.

"None of your damn business!" Sapnap semi-yelled as he nearly slammed their meals on the table. The rest of the night was passed in silence.


"Wee!" Skeppy yelled cheerfully as he rode his shopping cart down the aisle of microwavable meals.

"Master stop that! You could get hurt or break something!" His new partner scolded.

"Ah come on...isn't your name Badboyhalo? I can see the halo part, but where's the Badboy?" Skeppy asked with a smirk. "Also you can call me Skeppy."

"Just get down from there already!" Bad scolded, and with a pout, the dark-haired man complied.

Skeppy then quickly loaded up the cart with microwavable food, before turning to his new partner, "Don't be shy, grab whatever you like..."

"These aren't healthy," the brunette pointed out.

"Yeah, but they are easy to cook and taste way better than my cooking," Skeppy replied.

Bad sighed before turning around and heading over to a different shelf. Skeppy curiously followed while pushing the cart, and before he could react, Bad had already placed several fruits and vegetables into the cart.

"Hey!" the raven-haired man yelled.

"I'll do the cooking from now on. Put those quick meals back," the brunette stated in a serious tone, but Skeppy wouldn't budge.

"I don't wanna!" he whined.

"Fine you can buy five, but put the rest back." Bad stated as a compromise.

The dark-haired man continued to pout but eventually conceded as he carefully selected which meals would he buy.


"Are you sure you don't want a bite?" Bad asked as he pushed his plate, which had his home-cooked meal, towards the sulking agent.

Skeppy had continued to mope all the way home, mumbling something about the quick meals being better. Bad had cooked dinner, but the agent was stubborn and had heated one of the quick meals while still pouting.

"Nope," Skeppy replied bitterly, popping the P and taking another spoonful of his own microwaved meal.

"Come on Skeppy, just a bite and I'll stop pestering you..." Bad said.

"Okay fine!" Skeppy said in an annoyed voice before he scooped up some of the food on Bad's plate and shoved it into his mouth.

Skeppy's rebellious expression slowly melted away, and soon changed to childlike wonder as he slowly chewed to enjoy the savory meal.

When he finally swallowed he let out a small smile, which Bad mirrored.

"Want some more?" Bad offered kindly, and Skeppy nodded enthusiastically before scooping up another spoonful.

"You can have some of mine too!" Skeppy offered, so Bad took a small portion of the agent's meal.

"So...tell me about yourself, like do you have any interest, what did you do before entering the K-9 program, also have you been in the field before?" The agent asked rapidly.

At the last question, Bad tensed up...

A memory of a cold body on his lap, while salty tears ran down his face, his voice sore from crying.

"There's not much to tell..." Bad said before finishing up his food.

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