Chapter 34

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"George?" Dream's voice echoed eerily across the dark cave.

"I'm here Dream," came the response.


"Right....HERE!" the brunette suddenly yelled while jumping out of the shadows, causing the blonde to let out a terrified scream.

"Don't do that!" Dream scolded the agent who was laughing loudly.

The pair continued to explore the cave, admiring the unique way that mother nature had shaped the area over the years.

George suddenly felt a wave of dizziness overcome him, Dream was quick to notice and helped his master steady himself.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy..."

"It's probably from the lack of fresh air, let's head back."

The brunette agreed and allowed the blonde to help him back to the surface. By the time they finally saw the opening of the cave, it was already sunset.

Upon reaching their campsite they fixed up a quick meal, and they ate it in relative silence.

"Hey Dream, let's head to the river. It's our last night here so let's make it count." George suggested.

The blonde agreed, and they were met with a breathtaking view of the crescent moon reflecting off the surface of the water, with little stars shining like gems beside it.

"I never thought that the night sky could be this beautiful..." Dream said as he laid down by the riverbed, and George joined him on the soft grass.

George then started to show Dream several constellations that he knew of and tried to help the K-9 to see the patterns. Dream couldn't connect the dots for some of the constellations, but he enjoyed listening to the brunette talk.

Dream sat up after George gave him the last astrology fact that the brunette knew of, and proceeded to remove his shirt.

"What are you doing?" George asked as he adverted his gaze elsewhere.

"Come on George, how about a moonlight swim?"

"The water is probably freezing Dream..." George pointed out.

"You'll get used to it," the blonde argued as he slowly waded into the river.

The water was indeed cold, but bearable. The K-9 turned his gaze to the sky, staring at the beauty of the moon until it suddenly disappeared from his sight as he was pushed down into the water.

He came up to the surface to find a giggling, shirtless George. The blonde narrowed his eyes at his master who immediately took off, with Dream not far behind him.

The water was crystal clear, so they both could see each other under the water. The pair fell into some sort of dance, as they swam around each other gracefully, only coming up for the occasional breath.

Dream then gently took George's hand and guided him back to the shallow area. They both stood up to catch their breaths, with the water level being just above their waists.

The pair unconsciously pressed closer together and ended up staring into each other's eyes.

Dream saw the moonlight reflecting in George's eyes, which only added to the brunette's beauty. His heart started taking off, but he didn't use his own hand to cover it as usual. This time he brought George's hand to his chest.

When the brunette felt the little organ pounding widely in Dream's chest, his eyes widen in surprise, and his lips tugged into a shy smile.

George then brought Dream's hand to his own beating heart, before returning his gaze to the blonde's face. They both held the position for some time, not knowing what to say yet their actions conveyed so much.

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