Chapter 3

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In the cell, chained by his ankles and wrist to the bed, was a dirty blonde man, who was straddling and choking another man wearing a lab coat. The blonde had a crazed look in his eye, but George saw the pain and fear behind it.

The overseers ran in and roughly pinned the blonde to the ground, who screamed out in protest. The other doctors and nurses checked on the doctor that he attacked, and noticed how there were marks already appearing on the guy's neck, but other than that he would be fine.

Despite being pinned down by several men, the blonde somehow managed to fight against their holds.

In the corner of the room were several nurses, who were preparing a syringe of some sort.

When the blonde spotted the needle, he tried even harder to fight against the men holding him, twisting and turning, while screaming his lungs out as a few tears escaped his eyes.

"Stop it! You're scaring him!" George yelled as he rushed forward, and snatched the syringe out of the nurse's hands.

"He needs it to calm down!" they argued.

"No, he does not! Can't you see that all you're doing is making things worst!" George yelled back, before turning to the overseers.

"Let him go, you're hurting him!" he ordered.

Impressed by his strong tone, the men let the blonde go and they all backed out of the cell. The poor blonde was left sobbing and curled up on the floor. His chains clacked against the ground as he mumbled to himself.

George placed the syringe down in the corner before slowly approaching the blonde, unaware that Fruitberries had joined the doctors and overseers outside the cell. They continued to watch the brunette's every move, ready to jump in if the blonde suddenly turned violent again.

"Hey, it's okay..." George said softly, before reaching out to gently touch the blonde's back.

The blonde stiffened at the touch, but soon relaxed as George continued to talk to him in a comforting manner while rubbing his back gently. Due to the stressful event that just took place, the blonde passed out so George had to slowly drag him over to his bed.

"Impressive...that is the first time that he has managed to calm down without a sedative," Fruitberries said as he walked over to the brunette who was staring intently at the blonde's face.

He looks starved and exhausted

"How could you allow such a terrible thing to happen to someone so young?" George asked without glancing at his chief, though the blonde looked to be only a few years younger than him.

"He has grown quite violent these past few years. We didn't have a choice but to chain him, or he might have killed someone or himself." Fruit replied.

"What happened to him?"

Fruit sighed, "Dream is the sole survivor of the Underdogs project..."


"That's his name..."

"I thought you said that you saved several of them..."

"They soon succumbed to the side effects of the experimentation or died in the field. If you think that our K-9s are in a bad state, then they were even worse. The Underdogs would not stop till they captured their target, even if they lost half their body in the process."

George's heart went out to the blonde. I need to help him... he thought before opening his mouth to say, "I'll take him."

"I can not allow it," Fruitberries said. "True, he possesses a higher level of skill compared to any of our K-9s, but he is untamed."

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