Chapter 33

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Karl let out a bored sigh as he checked his phone for any news from George or Skeppy. He hadn't heard from George since yesterday. Yes, he knew about his friend's camping trip, but would it have killed George to invite him and Skeppy too?

I'm so bored.... he whined in his head as he flopped over the couch.

He glanced at the kitchen where Sapnap was busy setting up breakfast. Hmmm...I wonder if he'll want to go somewhere today, Karl thought to himself as he tried to come up with fun activities that they could try.

"Karl! Breakfast is ready!" Sapnap called from the kitchen, and the brunette quickly made his way over to the table.

"Hey Sapnap, do you want to do something today since we're on break?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" the raven head answered.

"I'll let you choose..." Karl answered.

"Well can we go to the zoo?"

"The zoo?"

"Yup, I've never been there before, but from what I heard from my fellow K-9s, it's a really fun place," Sapnap stated.

"Alright then, the zoo it is..."


"Oh my gosh! They're so cute!" Sapnap squealed.

Yes, squealed... even Karl was having a hard time believing that this bright-eyed man, that was gushing over pandas, was the same grump that he had as a partner.

Sapnap started tapping away on his phone, trying to capture several photos of the black and white bears.

"Karl Karl look! Aren't they adorable?" Sapnap said as he glanced back at the brunette.

You're adorable... Karl thought in his head before blushing bright red. Damn, that came out of nowhere...

"Karl? Your face is all red..." Sapnap pointed out, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine, must be the sun..." Karl lied.

Sapnap nodded and pointed to a bench that was shaded by a tree, "let's rest up there then," he suggested, and the agent agreed.

"Bye Pandas!" Sapnap said, waving goodbye to the fluffy balls of cuteness.

Karl smiled at the act before internally cursing at his now erratically beating heart.

"Stay here for a minute, I'll be back," Sapnap said before running off.

Karl felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and pulled it out to check who had messaged him.


Hey man wanna hang out today?

We can take loads of pictures and send them to George, to prove that we're having fun as well

Can't believe that the guy didn't even bother to invite us

Karl giggled before typing out a reply.

Sorry man, I can't today. 

Sapnap and I are at the zoo right now

Karl then sent a photo that he took earlier of him, with a completely unaware Sapnap in the background, smiling at the pandas.

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