Chapter 6

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"Sit, Stay, Search, Here, Heel... do I really need to use these terms?" George asked Dream during breakfast the next morning.

"I won't know what you want if you won't use them..." Dream answered, before taking another bite of his food.

George sighed and placed the guidebook down on the table. "You are not a dog Dream." He stated firmly.

"I was trained and created to be one," the blonde shot back.

George let out another sigh before checking the PK-9 app, "So this tells me that you're still alive," he said pointing to the pulse monitor, "this tells me where you are," he then stated while pointing to the blinking dot on the map beside the monitor. "And these buttons are call, shock, and unlock collar. Did I get that right?"

Dream nodded as he chewed, "The call button merely sends me a notification that you want me, and your location so I know where to go. If you long-press it, the options to send me a text or an actual phone call will pop up."

"So why do you need a shock button?" George asked.

"Sometimes we K-9s get a little wild when chasing a suspect. To the point that we ignore our master's orders. In those cases, our masters use the button, and it makes our collars give off a strong enough shock that knocks us out."

"Now that is just cruel..." George said with a scowl.

"It is necessary... so do not hesitate to use it, if you do not like what I'm doing." Dream stated nonchalantly.

"Well, I don't plan on ever using it. I will talk and treat you like an actual human being." The brunette declared.

"You are stubborn, Master," Dream pointed out.

"Do not call me that! Just call me George," the agent said.

"Fine, but you have to answer for yourself when others question why I do not show you proper respect by addressing you so casually." Dream pointed out.

George huffed, but when his phone vibrated he quickly checked the text.

"I'm heading out with a few friends. Do you want to come along?" George asked after reading the text from Karl.

The blonde shook his head, and upon making sure that Dream would be comfortable by himself, George left the apartment.


"He said he only needs 4 pairs of clothes... like I'm going to let that happen. He's got a closet in his room that needs to be filled up," George told Skeppy and Karl.

The three of them had decided to spend the day buying supplies for their partners.

"Sapnap has got quite the temper, but I bet he's a sweet guy underneath..." Karl pointed out as he browsed through the racks.

"Bad cooks really well... I used to go on microwave dinners alone since I couldn't cook." Skeppy then added.

"That isn't healthy Skeppy..." Karl stated with a smile, making the dark-haired man laugh.

"That's what he said!"

The trio shared a few things about themselves, as they continued to pick up things for their charges.

"Hey, Karl is this green?" George asked, holding up a hoodie with a smiley design.

Karl adjusted his glasses before glancing in George's direction. "Yup!" his friend.

"Why did you need to ask that?" Skeppy asked politely.

"Oh I'm protan color-blind, so I can't see green and red," George replied.

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