Chapter 22

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"We don't have time for this!" one of the executives yelled, as they watched the children's rebellion from a screen in the room.

"Agents are on their way here, we need to grab as much as we can, including the children." A woman stated.

"The boss?" another woman asked.

"Has already escaped, we will now follow, and do try to grab a kid on the way out," another man said.

As they stood up to leave, Dream suddenly opened the door, much to the surprise of the executives.

"Well well well...looks like someone decided to be a good boy. Come along now One, we need to move you to a new facility..." one of the executives said, as they all cautiously moved towards the boy who held a knife and a gun.

This time Dream clearly remembered everything, the executives proved to be a greater match than the guards below. He had finished his round of bullets, and his knife had been snatched away during the fight, but he managed to kill 2 of them. He grabbed a bottle of wine nearby and smash it on the head of one of the remaining executives, then finished the last one off.

He didn't feel any panic this time, only peace. He didn't hear anything either, the world had gone silent and his body numb.


Meanwhile, outside the MOB headquarters, a team of agents stood waiting, unaware of the chaos happening inside.

Fruitberries paced nervously as they waited for the order to move in. He was rather determined not to screw his first mission up, now if only his partner were that serious. With a sigh, he glanced over at his friend who was rather busy with his phone.

"Illumina, try and focus here...we are about to raid the MOB's base." He hissed at his friend.

"Calm down Fruit, chief hasn't given any orders yet..." Illumina replied nonchalantly.

Fruit snatched the phone out of his friend's hands, and Illumina let out a sigh before checking his watch. "Well I managed to beat my record anyway..." he said.

Fruit glanced at the screen of the phone that was flashing the ending credits of Minecraft. His friend was rather good at the game, and it had become a habit of Illumina to constantly beat his old speed-run record.

"You beat your record on a phone?" Fruitberries asked, wondering how his friend managed with the lag.

Illumina flashed him a smug smile, before sticking his tongue out playfully. "It just proves how amazing I am!" he declared.

Fruitberries did not deny such a confident declaration. It was no secret that his friend was good, not only at games but also as an agent. If only he could be more serious instead of the usual happy-go-lucky attitude that Illumina usually presented.

"Stop frowning Fruit! You'll get wrinkles, and end up single and lonely!" Illumina teased while pinching Fruit's cheeks upwards.

"Shut up, you haven't gone on a date in the past 2 years either!" he shot back, as he slapped Illumina's hands away.

Illumina was about to argue when a very distressed and panicking man ran out of the building. The man didn't make it very far before letting out a scream, as a young girl stabbed him from behind.

"Oh Sh-" Fruit started to say but Illumina cut him off.

"Let's move!" he said in a suddenly serious tone.

The other agents followed, not caring that their chief still hadn't given them orders. The girl was now trembling on the sidewalk, curled into a ball as she stared at the man that she had just killed.

"Hey there..." Illumina called in a gentle tone.

The girl's panic-filled eyes looked up at the agents, and she immediately pointed her knife at them.

"Oh don't be scared, we're the good guys. See..." Illumina stated as he pulled out his badge to show the girl.

"You're safe now, we'll get you out of here..." the agent continued, and the girl lowered her weapon.

"Are you alone?" he asked, and she immediately shot him a worried look.

"My siblings are still in there..." she muttered out.

Leaving her in one of the other agent's care, Illumina, Fruitberries, and the rest of the team headed in. They all gasped when they saw several other children brutally attacking the MOB members.

"You guys take care of the children, we'll look for the leaders," Fruit informed, and the agents gave them a nod.

When he and Illumina made it to the executives' room, all they found was their bodies, and a blonde boy standing over them. Illumina moved to approach the boy, but Fruit held his friend back and motioned to the broken bottle in the boy's hand.

Illumina shot his friend a reassuring smile and approached the boy again.

"Hey kid..." he started.

Dream lifted his emotionless eyes towards the pair, which both scared and worried the men. The agents wondered what things did this boy go through to reach this state.

"Don't worry kid, we're here to help you. Now can you put the bottle down and come here, so we can get you cleaned up?" Illumina asked nicely.

Dream stood still for a good minute, before letting the bottle slip from his fingers. The agents breathed out a sigh of relief as the boy made his way over to them.

Dream didn't know it yet, but his life was about to change for the better.

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