🌤 I want a play tent 🌤

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play tent 🐾

i want a play tent so bad. the cute little pop up ones that have all the lace and pretty colors and inside its the perfect Castle for any knight, prince, or princess.

-🧺 being able to decorate it with someone close to you (a cg, sibby, baby sitter)

🐾 setting up each stuffy so theyre sitting just right.

🐾 fluffing up the floor with soft blankets and pillows

🐾 snackies and juice boxes/sippy!

🐾 watching kiddo shows a laptop

🐾 listening to a story

🐾 fairy lights lining the “roof” glimmering and sparkling

finally, snuggling up inside your castle with your stuffy/cg/sitter and drifting off to sleep, dreaming only the softest, warmest dreams. you are safe here, this tent is your safe space.

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