✨for littles with insomnia✨

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~For littles with insomnia~

- 🌈 read a bedtime story! if you have a caretaker available, you can have them read it to you. if not, read one yourself or look up audio recordings of someone who reads them aloud ~! reading helps you become more tired... like magic!

- 🌈 listen to lullabies online or make your own bedtime playlist!

- 🌈 take a warm bath! add some epsom salts, johnson's lavender bedtime baby bath, or a bath bomb, and of course bubbles! soak for as long as you want, but i suggest getting out once the water starts to get cold! after you've dried off, try using johnson's bedtime baby lotion, the smell is so relaxing and i find it works for helping me get to sleep.

- 🌈 try a relaxing drink! get your favorite bottle or sippy cup, or just a regular cup will do if you don't have those, pour some milk of your choice in it (i like vanilla almond milk for this), put two spoonfuls of honey in it, and put it in the microwave to warm up! you can also try different decaffeinated teas or herbal teas if you are feeling extra stressed. i recommend sleepytime vanilla decaf.

- 🌈 if you need a snack, no sweets! sweets are just gonna wake you up more and make your teeth all icky! try banana, strawberry, blueberries, or other fruits. you can also have plain animal crackers, yogurt, or a small cereal bar.

- 🌈 don't drink/eat too much before bed! having one drink is okay, but don't do anymore or you might be up all night or worse: have an accident! even if you use pull-ups and/or diapers, it's best to not have any accidents during the night so you don't have to get up and change.

- 🌈 have a nightlight, don't leave regular lights on! nightlights aren't that expensive and leaving on any other lights can be a problem when you're trying to sleep. pick a cute sleepy light and have that instead! (my favorite nini light is shaped like a unicorn.. just thought i'd share hehe~)

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