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🎃 Paper lanterns in the shape of pumpkins and ghosts will make your room nicer

👻 Scary but not really!! horror films and cartoons

🍼 Pumpkin pie and cookies with nuts and raisins

🍁 Milk with honey is fast, easy and helps you to fall asleep so that no nightmares torment you

🎃 Make mulled wine and invite all your friends

👻 Wear warm sweaters and socks. Don't forget the rubber boots and the nicest umbrella when you go out

🍼 Use dried orange peel or incense with baked Apple and cinnamon to always smell delicious in your room

🍁 Ask the caregiver to spray all the monsters under your bed or in the closet

🎃 Arrange day masquerade together with their friends and scare sabattarians

👻 Don't eat too much sweet otherwise your teeth and tummy will hurt

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