I looked outside. It had begun to rain. The sky was still blue and the sun was still shining, but a medium downpour showered the island. I put away my tray and threw away the guts before stepping onto the balcony,

I sparked up and leaned against the wall, smoking. I played music in my AirPods and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere. I stood out there until I finished up, high as a kite. I walked in, setting my roach in the ashtray.

I began to pack some things in my book bag. I paused, realizing I'd need a suitcase because we'd be gone for a while, and I didn't know if I'd come straight home even after that. I sat on my bed, pulling out my phone and going to Walmart's website. I ordered a black suitcase that would be a good enough size. And with a hundred bucks gone, I turned back to my closet. I'd have to take a trip there to see what I'd wanna take.

I got up to go over there, but I knocked my shoulder on one of the canopy posts on my bed.

"Damn," I muttered, slightly thrown off. I grabbed my phone, going online to look at some bed frames. Instead of going to my closet, I passed it and exited my bedroom as I scrolled through my phone.

"Dad?" I called as I peeked into his room. The room was empty. "You in here?" I yelled, thinking he'd probably be in his bathroom. The door was closed. However, I was again returned with silence.

I shut the double doors, moving down the hallway into the main room stairs. As I went down the steps, I'd found a nice bed frame I'd wanted. I locked my phone and hoped my dad was in the kitchen.

"Hey, dad," I said, walking in. "Hey, Trooper," he said, blending something in the Ninja. "I'm making smoothies for them, you want one?" He said, gesturing to Larry, Lemmy and Wendy. They were having an interesting looking conversation in the breakfast nook.

"Sure," I shrugged, sitting at the barstool. I paused, remembering what I was here for. "Can I uh, get my bed frame changed?" I asked, ripping the band-aid off the scab. "Pshht- go for it, son," he waved a hand in dismissal. "Did you have one in mind?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded and unlocked my phone. I walked over and leaned close to him so he could see. It wasn't a cheap bed frame, it was worth a pretty penny. I kinda wanted to see if he'd go for it.

"Go ahead, I'll pay for the option where the people come build it," he said.

"No, I've got it. It's fine, you don't have to," I said.

"Go ahead and select the option," he said rolling his hand in circles. I pressed it. "How much does it add?" He asked.

"$678.32 is the assembly fee," I said, looking at him. He straightened his black tank top as he pulled out his phone. "Did you get it?" He asked after a minute. I checked my notifications. He'd sent me seven hundred. "Thanks dad, really," I said, smiling. "Of course, but it'll come sooner than you think, so be prepared," he chuckled before going back to blending up smoothies. They looked like strawberries and banana smoothies.

I walked back upstairs and grabbed my keys. I made sure all my stoner supplies, toiletries, and electronics were in my book bag. I decided while I was at Walmart I'd get myself some things.

I threw on some white forces and put my keys in my pocket. I grabbed my vapes and pen before leaving my bedroom. On the way to the door I grabbed a smoothie from my dad. He put it in a clear cup with a top and straw.

"I'm gonna head to the store real quick, dad," I said, shaking the ice around. "Drive safe, son," he pat me on the back gently.

I thanked him and turned on my heel to leave the house. I jumped in the Urus and made my way to Walmart. On the way there, I paid for the bed fame and the assembly fee online.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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