Chapter 3

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I'm on my way to the conference room, where he's waiting. Before I walk in I let out a breath, keep my head high and walk in. 

He rises from his chair, and I put out my hand for a handshake. ''Mr. Williams, thanks for coming with such short notice'' 

We take our seats opposites for each other, and que his smirk. ''Miss. Harries. Of course, wouldn't want to keep you waiting'' I role my eyes, and open my files.

''Let's get to work shall we. I see that you want to upgrade your website, and I just wonder why. It already looks modern and up to date.'' If I keep this professional, this meeting will be a piece of cake – after all, he is good with business. 

''Yes, it is. We have had with for two years or so now, but I don't feel like it's a good match anymore''

''May I ask way that is. Makes this a lot easier if you could tell me what you don't like about the existing one, so I know what to work around.'' I say and look up, and see that his green eyes are already looking at me. I've gone lost in does forest eyes many times, they truly are captivating. 

Even though I can't stand his face at the moment, he is a very attractive man. He has a strong face, with a sharp jawline. A neat short beard, and dark brown hair resting just above his ears. His skin is almost radiant, with a natural tan.

''Well like you said, it does look nice. But for the last two months I've been working on rebranding the company. In terms of how we look to the outside world. Now I don't feel like the website represents that anymore.'' 

That's probably what he's been trying to tell me, and if he uses this meeting to speak his mind so will I.

''I see. Well, that must have taken a lot of your time. Hard to keep track of other things, when you go through such a big change. Why don't you tell me what this new vision is, and I'll work from there?'' First now I break the intense staring contest we've been having, and fish out a pen and notebook from my purse.

''Yes indeed, it has been hard to focus on other things outside of work.'' He starts as I open a new page in my book, and look back up at him.

''Since you have checked out our website, you now the dominant color is blue. We have had a change of logo, and the new color is warmer toned – the board thinks it feel more welcoming. So that will be the main change. Other than that, could you set up some examples for me to look at? I've seen your work, and love what you have done before.''

''A color change sounds like a great idea, and that is possible. I could maybe make two or three examples, mail them to you so you can show the board. Then you can mail me back the feedback, and I'll work on an end result from there. Does that sound good?'' I say as I finish writing down what he just said, and look at him with a slit lift in my brows. 

After he says yes, and we say are professional goodbyes, I make my way to my office. Right when I'm about to sit, Evelyn storms in. ''Was that Griffin?''

I only nod in response, and close my eyes while I rest my head in the back of my chair. ''What did he do here?''

''He's rebranding or whatever, and needed an update on his website. He called our boss, and asked for me personally.'' I say with a groan, and turn my computer back on.

''Wow, he really doesn't back down does he? Well how was it? Wasn't it really awkward?'' I turn to her this time with a natural face 

''I started the meeting with a professional handshake, and he kept it that way. He tried to indirectly say that the rebranding was why he hasn't answered me, but other than that, it was okay. After all he is a good businessman.'' I shrug and turn to my pc. 

''As long as he keeps it professional I can work with him just fine. We do like the same layout and design of things, so I don't think it will be a problem.''

With that Evelyn hums, and walk out again. Gosh, what a load of crap that was. 

Of course it's fucking weird to work with him, but I'm professional and would never let something personal get in the way of my work. Just as I'm about to get myself some more coffee, my boss knocks on my work. 

''Amira, I saw Mr. Williams walk out. Did the meeting go well?''

I put on my work smile and turn to him ''Yes it went really well. It will honestly be an easy job, and thank you again for giving it to me.'' I'm grateful for getting it. It will look good in my portfolio, and it will be great money as well. 

''I'm glad to hear Amira, and yes this will be a perfect job for you. But I'll not hold you any longer, keep up the great work!'' And with that he walks out. 

It is a perfect job for me, and even though I wouldn't have picked working with Griffin myself, I can't get mad at my boss. He's an amazing boss after all.
I get myself a cup of coffee, and get to work.

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