Chapter 5

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After that talk with Griffin on the phone last night, I kind of feel a little lighter.
We are both people with strong personalities, so I know is just as hard for him to be vulnerable. I respect him for that, and I'm glad we so fare are able to have a professional relationship while I try to help him with work. And I'm relieved when I see that no one got a picture of us at the park.

Now I sit and scroll on George's new website, and Griff was right – it's basically the exact same, so it the logo. I don't understand what he gains from this though. I'm not saying his company is not doing well, but I know it's not even doing half as good as Griffins. And rebranding is not cheap, to say the least. Really hope my plan will work out form him. And speaking of the devil.

Subject: Thank you

Hey angle,
Once again, thank you so much for listening and helping me yesterday. I've just finished talking to the last board-member, and it looks like it's going to work – now we just have to wait.
I was hoping we could do a new meeting today if you have time, or you could send me another day and time that works for you.

Griffin Williams
CEO, GW Enterprises

As I'm reading his mail, I catch myself smiling. I'm really happy my plan seems to work out, even though I don't hope any of the board-members are going behind his back.

Subject: always

I'm glad to hear my masterplan seems to work so fare. I know how much you put into the firm, and how much you trust you board-members. But I know you'll figure it out.
I looked over George's website this morning, and the similarities are just too big for this to be a coincidence.

I actually do have time today, but it has to be around 4pm if that works for you. Or we can do it at 5, and then the office will be empty. If you feel more comfortable discussing without any risk of any east dropping.

Amira Harries
Media Designer

Subject: always re

5 works perfect to me, I'll see you then.

Griffin Williams
CEO, GW Enterprises

With that settled, I go back to working on other projects. Before I know it Evelyn comes in and says bye for the day, and then I know the office is empty. But I'm paranoid, so I double-check - and the office sure is empty.

As I am about to walk to my office again, the elevator dings. And there he stands, all tall in a perfect fitted suit. I can see his muscles through the blazer, looks like he's gown the last few months.

''Hi, ehm why don't we talk in my office? Just checked, and everyone is gone.'' Wow, why did I become so nervous? I've seen him like this hundreds of time. But he nods with a small smile, and follows me.

''You know, I've never actually seen your office before. It looks cozy.'' He says, and sits down in the chair in front of my desk.

''No you haven't, didn't even think about that. And thank you.'' I say, as I sit in my chair. And we sit and just look at each other. All the talk yesterday really did something to the both of us.

I lick my lips, and his eyes beams as my lips. If I wasn't nervous before, I definitely am now. I clear my throat, and wake up my black screen.

''So, do you have any idea of what you want to do with the website now, and have you talked to the people that did your logo?'' I ask as I open my documents on my computer, and look at him again.

''Yes I've talked to them, and we think that could still go with warmer colors'' he says as he shifts a little in his seat.

Oh my.

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