Chapter 8

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Friday has arrived, and I just hopped out of the shower. Clean and ready to dull myself up for our dinner. Did I shave my entire body, yes - and what about it?

I dry my hair, and decide to straighten it back. I keep my makeup pretty basic, and finish with a lipgloss on my nude lips.

Even though my black Louboutin heels will kill my feet, I pick them out and wedge my feet into them. I stand in front of my full-length mirror, and are very pleased with my end result. As I'm about to pick up my purse, I hear his knock on my door. Breathe Amira.

I walk to my door, and find a very handsome Griffin in his new suit and tie. His eyes trail down my body and my new dress. I do a soft spin so he can see the back as well.

''Like it? It's the one I bought at Visette.'' His eyes meet mine, and he looks stunned. Score to me.

''Angle, you look utterly stunning. Wow'' I giggle a little, trail my hand over his new tie and say ''You look quite handsome yourself.''
With that, we make our way down to his car.

When we reach his new apartment on the 34th floor, I look around in away. ''Wow Griffin, this place is beautiful.'' He takes my hand and shows me around.

High celling, floor to ceiling windows, muted colors, big low brown leather sofa.

''I did really like your last place, but I will say that this one seems to fit you more.'' I say as I shift my focus back to him.

''Thank you angle, would you like a glass of wine?'' He asks as he leads me to the kitchen with a smile.

''Yes, that would be nice.'' I say smiling back at him. Wow, he really fits into this kitchen. Almost rustic looking stone front, and a darker stone as countertop.

He hands me my glass, and we klick out glasses before we take a sip staring at each other. He guides me back to the living room and we sit in the couch. This has to be the most comfortable leather couch I've ever put my ass on.

I feel myself fidgeting with my dress. I don't even know why I'm nervous, but my palms are sweating.

I clear my throat, and put my wine glass on table. I take a breath, and look at him. God, he's so handsome. ''So before we eat, I just wanted to talk to you about something.'' He nods his head, and is letting me continue without interruption.

''I said that I would give you an answer after we finished working together. Even though the design work is done, you haven't launched it yet. Either way, I don't really see the point in waiting until then, when I already have my answer.'' I grab my glass, and take a sip. When I sit back again, I take his hand in mine.

''My decision have I really had in my head form the moment I saw you outside my apartment door, so I don't know I'm so nervous all of the sudden. But here it goes. Griffin, you have had my heart since our first date. I was so nervous before, because it was my first serious date after my ex. But when your eyes met mine, I just felt at home. You make me feel sexy, beautiful, smart and appreciated – and so much more. You have woken feelings in me that I didn't know where possible to feel. There last few weeks you have shown me that this is what you want. You have given me your heart, and now I give you mine if you will take it.'' When I finish I continue to look into his eyes, which are now glistening.

''Are you serious right now? Because if you are messing with me, I-'' I stop him by coming closer to him.

''I've never been more serious in my inter life.'' When does words left my mouth, he grabs my face and smashes his lips to mine.

God I've craved and miss those lips. A moan escapes me, and now our thongs are intertwining. This kiss isn't like anyone we have shared before. This kiss speaks every emotion we can't explain. It's tender and so, so passion.

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