Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks since I last saw, and kissed Griffin

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It's been two weeks since I last saw, and kissed Griffin. I feel myself getting giddy just by thinking about the kiss. We have been texting back and forth a little. Nothing crazy, but you know – keeping in touch.

Feel like I'm back to being 13, and got my first crush. I know I shouldn't be so over the top about him, after all he did ghost me for two mouths. 
Though being 26 meant more mature men, that are actually good at communication – but I guess that doesn't change no matter how old you get. 

Now I sit on my couch, with a glass of wine alone on a Saturday night. Can't remember the last time I was out partying with friends. It is mostly my fault. I've been so focused on my carrier that I just let the rest of my life pass by.

I pick up my phone and click on Evelyn. We rarely hang out outside of work, but she is one of my closest friends.

Amira: Hi babes, what are you doing tonight? 

Evelyn: Hii! I'm bored out of my miiind.

Amira: Amazing! I'm sending an uber to you, come here and drink wine with me.

Before I put my phone down, I order her an uber and jump of the couch. I go to my walk-in closet, and put on something other than sweatpants and a hoodie.

I check my kitchen cabinet for some snacks, and smile when I find my beloved salted chips. Find another wine glass, and put it on my living room table when my home busser goes off. I let the lobby know that they can send Evelyn up. 

After a short while I hear some soft knocks on my door. ''Well hello to you, come in''

''Wow, your apartment is amazing! And omg what a view!'' She practically screams and run to my floor to ceiling windows. I join her, and look out the night of the Seattle skyline.

''I know, it's really pretty. One of the selling points for me. Come I've wine and chips.'' 

We sit down on my couch, chat and drink wine. I'm five glasses deep now, and begin to feel a little fussy. ''I can't remember the last time I had a girls night with wine, we should do this more.'' I say to Evelyn, who totally agrees. ''I can't believe you have never been here before.'' 

Before she gets to answer, my phone dings. Griffin. He's asking what I'm doing tonight, and I say I've girls night and ask what he's doing. When I look back up at Evelyn, she looks at me with a grin from ear to ear.

''What?'' I laugh out.
''You so totally still want him!'' She says with a much exited tone. 

''What are you talking about?''

''Omg, cut the crap Amira! The smile you had when you were texting him now? Yeah, you are off the deep end again.'' I grin to myself, and don't answer. 

Fuck, I hate that I show my emotions when it comes to him so easy. ''Okay, okay! I hate talking about feelings and all that – but yes, I do still like him'' I say, while a drink the rest of my glass.

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