Chapter 7

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It's now Wednesday, and work has been hectic the last two days. On Monday Griffin and I made the final touches on his new website, so that is ready for launch. He's still planning on publishing it next week, and I'm getting exited. It turned out amazing, and a lot better than the first one I did.

He's still waiting to find out if there is anyone on the board that's been leaking stuff to George. It's fifteen minutes until lunch, when I hear a knock on my door. ''Come in'' I say, as I still have my eyes glued to the screen.

When I finally turn around, I see Griffin standing with a large smile and an even bigger bucket of white tulips. ''Well hello, what do I own this pleasure.'' I say as he walks in and close the door behind him.

''You are very cute when you focus, angle'' He says and kiss me on the cheek.

''These are for you, hope this is a better time to give you flowers and ask you out for lunch?'' I take the flowers and smell them, heaven.

I look up at him with a smile ''Lunch would be lovely, and thank you these are beautiful.'' I go and find a vase, and put them on my desk. I put my stuff in my purse, and motion for him to lead the way.

When we walk passed Evelyn she gives me a wink, and I shake my head at laugh at her. Once the elevator is moving I ask where he's taking me.

''Well, there is this Asian restaurant down the street. Don't know if you have been there, but they serve dumpling apparently.'' He says with a wink, and put his hand at the small of my back and guides me out the elevator.

''Hm, never heard of that place – can't wait to try it out'' I say in return, and play into his little game.

It has become a lot warmer in Seattle, so we take a table outside in the shade. I've come to realize that we enjoy out silence, just as much as we like talking.

''What are you having angle?''

''Well you did say they have dumplings, so I might try that out'' I say with a wink, as I put down my menu.

''What about you?'' He looks at his menu a little longer, then put it down.

''I think I'll have the same. This woman I know raves about it, so I might as well.''

''Then this woman sounds utterly smart, and pretty''

''Trust me angle, she truly is outstanding.'' This earns him a smile, before I pick up my water glass. The waiter comes and take out order, and is on his way again.

''So have you had any updates on the hole George and board-members thing?'' I ask as I fold my hands in my lap.

''Yes actually, found out this morning and wanted to tell you in person. One of the members apparently went to collage with George back in the days, and have been leaking small stuff here and there. It safe to say, he got fired on the spot.'' I look at him in shook.

Even though it was my idea, I also hoped I was wrong. ''Wow, that's crazy. I'm sorry, but it's good you found the source at least.''

He lets out a little sign, and look at me as he speaks. ''Yes, I'm glad I found out. If it hadn't been for you, he would probably still be sitting at his desk and informed George about everything and whatnot. So thanks again angle.''

I take his hand and squeeze it, and leave it there. ''Of course. I'm glad I could help.'' I say with a smile, as we just look at one another.

The foods arrive, and we keep chatting about everything between heaven and earth.

''Oh yes, and I got a new apartment'' I beam up at him,

''Really? I though you loved that other apartment?'' He smiles a shy smile and look down.

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