Chapter 1

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He got some nerve trying to contact me after ignorering me for two mouths

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He got some nerve trying to contact me after ignorering me for two mouths. Why are men so fucking ignorant, I think to myself as I toss the phone across the couch. I massage my temples, feeling a headache creeping up on me after a long day at work. Even through media design is my dream job, it takes a lot out of me. Growling I stand up, and pick up my phone again, and read his message again.

G: It's been a while.

Of course it's been a while, dipshit, you left me on read. I've enough self-respect to retreat myself from people that doesn't give me the same effort as I do. After years of being so naive and a pushover, I find myself feeling proud about how fare I've become.

Leaving the phone once again, I walk to the kitchen and see what I can find in the fridge. I scratch myself in the head when I see that it's pretty empty, and remember I forgot I was supposed to do some grocery shopping right after work today. Feeling annoyed again I smack the door closed, grab my keys and make my way out and down to my car.

Turning my car key, I turn up my music and make my way to the store. Search around for a while, and find myself stopping at the chips section. Who am I kidding, of course I pick regular salt. Call me basic, but nothing beats salted chips. After I've paid, I begin packing up my stuff. Two bags today should be enough for the next week at least.

Parking my car in the apartment garage, I pick up my bags and make my way through the lobby while saying hi to the people at the front desk. When elevator dings at my 14th floor, I fish out my keys from my purse. Why does it have to be so hard to find the right key, it's not like changes shape every time you have to are going to use it.

''Hey'' I hear, and look up at the voice that it hard to forget.

Trying to keep my expression as natural as I can. I can't let him know that does piercing green eyes still has an effect on me.

''How did you get past the lobby?'' I ask, and make my way past him to my door, and feel him grabbing my upper arm. I almost freeze, but yank my arm free and stare up at him.

''Sorry, and they recognized me and let me up'' He states with a low voice. I just hum in respond, and put my key in the door. When I don't answer him, he keeps talking
''I didn't mean to leave you high and dry, but you know how crazy things at work can get.''

Ah yes, Mr. I'm-A-CEO-I-Don't-Have-Time-For-Anything, I think to myself as I begin to open my door.

''Please, just let me-'' He begins, but I cut him off ''Griffin, give your excuses to someone that actually cares.'' I say as I smack the door closed.

When I'm finally inside, I let out a breath and close my eyes for a second. How someone can be so busy that they can't text you back or give you a call, for two months is beyond me. What a load of crap, I think as I go to the kitchen and unload the stuff I bought. Men.

I connect my phone to my speakers, and put on my favorite playlist. Some good music and cooking, with a glass of wine, will always make things better. I hum and sing to the song playing, while I flip my salmon. Salmon and pasta today, might be my favorite dish after dumplings.

I'm in my own little world when I hear the phone ring. I turn off the stove, and jog over to my phone only to see his name glear back at me. Amira don't cave, I tell myself. I decline the call, and make my way to the kitchen again and plate my food.

I slump down in my comfy couch, and turn the TV on. When I don't find anything new to watch, I resume Friends. The best TV-show, in my opinion.

I end up watching three episodes, and I see that the time has past nine. I pick up my plate and put in the sink, and walk to the bathroom.

Shower or a bath, is the question in my head now. Bath it is.

I run the water to a good temperature, and strip my cloths. Aah, just what I needed after a stressful day. I feel my tense muscles relax and I close my eyes. When I feel the water getting cold, I step out and pat myself dry and put on some lotion. I peal the bed, and creep under the cover and fall asleep the second my head meet the pillow

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