Chapter 4

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A week later I get a mail from Griffin about what the rest of the board thought about my three examples, and this will be an even easier job then I had thought. The warmer colors will truly uplift the website, and make it more welcoming.

I get a little smile one my face when I see they really liked my favorite as well, just wanted some minimal changes in the layout. When the clock strikes lunch time, I'm done and start to write the mail with the final draft.

Subject: Final draft

*file attached*

This is the final draft with the changes you provided form the meeting. If it is to your liking, I will send you over everything needed to make the official change on the site.

Amira Harries
Media Designer

Subject: Final draft

This looks great. I'm having a meeting with the board after lunch, so will get back to you after that.

Griffin Williams
CEO, GW Enterprises

Was almost expecting him to jab more back at me, but guess he let it go to rest. Finally. 

He's been quiet all week when I think about it. Which is good. Glad he respects the fact that this is only a professional encounter. 

So why do I feel kind off bumbed that this has now come to an end? I don't care to dwell on it any longer, I've dumplings waiting for me at the reception.

The rest of the day goes by, and when I get home I change clothes and make my way out again to go for a run. Didn't feel like working out this morning, so a run would be great to get my mind off thing.  

I make my way down the street, and walk to Washington park arboretum. The walk here was a great warm up, so I get straight to running when I get there. 

This is my favorite park in the city, with so much greenery and nice soundings. As I'm about to change the song on my phone, I run into a wall. Or what I wish was a wall, because as I'm saying sorry – his green eyes peer down at me.

Gosh I almost forgot how tall he is, with his 6'3 broad shoulder body. How could I forget that he also likes to run in this park. After we have been staring at each other for what feels like minutes, I break first. 

''Hi, forgot that you like to run here to. And sorry for running into you'' I say with a light tone. 

''It's okay angle, glad It was you and not some random person'' He answers with a little laugh.

And that nickname, I remember the first time he called me that. We had just got home to his apartment after dinner, and he asked if I wanted a glass of wine. We really did have a great time together, so why did he have to ruin it. 

''Well sorry again, I should continue'' But before I could, he takes my hand and stops me. He points to ha bench a few feet away, and I follow.

Before I sit I say.
''I don't know if this a good idea, there can be paparazzi around here.'' The last thing I need it's for this to be on the front page in the morning

He reassures me it will be fine, and sit down to silence for a minute or so before he speaks up. 

''I know you are mad at me, and I don't blame you. I would be pissed as well, but after out meeting I maybe thought that you understood what I've been of the radar for two mouths.''

I take a deep breath, and let out a sigh and look at him. ''I did understand. I understand that rebranding your company, you've worked so hard for, takes a lot of time. But I still can't justify the fact that you didn't even texted me and told me you would be busy. If you would just have said that, I would have understood and given you time and space to deal with that. So why didn't you? It would have taken you two second out of your day.''

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