Chapter 10

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It's now Tuesday, and I sit at my desk working when my phone dings.

Griffin: Hey angle. Just wanted to let you know that I've got to do a work trip from tomorrow to Friday

Amira: Aah, okay – thanks for letting me know. Where are you going?

Griffin: New York. There are some trouble with the manager at the office there I've got to take care of

EW Enterprises have a lot offices spread around the country, and the main one used to be in New York. But he made the one here in Seattle the main one after he moved here a year ago. He came here after his father fell ill and died shortly after.

Of what he has told me he didn't have a really close relationship with his father, but his father didn't have anybody else. So Griffin took it upon himself to give his father the most compatible last weeks as he could.

He hasn't really talked much about his mom. Griffin told me she still lives like she's a teenager and don't have responsibilities. They have little to no contact anymore, because she apparently only contacts him when she's out of money.

Amira: That sucks. Hope you get it sorted out.

Griffin: Yeah, they didn't tell me much – just that I needed to come. I also wanted to ask if you want to join me for dinner tonight? Want to see you before I leave.

Amira: That would be lovely. I think I'll be done at five thirty.

Griffin: Perfect, I'll pick you up – see you soon angle.

With dinner to look forward to, the rest of my workday flies by in no time. I'm the last one the leave the office today, so I turn off the rest of the lights and make my way to the elevator.

Like promised, Griffin stands outside with the car door open for me.

''Hey angle, I've missed you'' he says, and gives me a kiss.

''Hi, I've missed you too. Where are we going to eat?''

''You'll have to wait and see.'' He says with a smirk, and helps me in the car.

We have been riding in silence, so I'm in my own little world when the car comes to a stop. When I look up at the restaurant, I turn to him with a smile.

''We're eating here tonight?''

''Yes, I thought it would be nice.'' He answers with a smile and help me out the car. We walk up to the hostess, who leads the way to our table.

''Did you call before we got here, or are this a coincidence?''

''I actually didn't call, but I'll still take full credit for it'' he says and pull out my chair for me to sit.
We ended up sitting at the exact table we did on out first date. At the time it had just opened, and I see now that it does really well. Not so strange considering the food tastes amazing here.

The waiter comes and gives us a menu, and Griffin orders a bottle of white wine. I scheme though the menu and are torn between salmon and duck.

''What are you having?'' I ask and look up at him.

''I don't know yet, what about you?''

''I'm torn between salmon and duck.''

He smiles at me, and looks down again.

''What are you smiling about?''

''We most have two great minds, because I was looking at both of them myself.'' I smile and laugh before I take a sip of my wine.

''Why don't I order the duck, and you the salmon? Can always share a little, yeah?'' I nod and agree.

I've haven't been here since our first date, but everything seems to be the same here. The restaurant has dimly light, and with candles lit at every table making the atmosphere fairly romantic. They serve a variety of different dishes, but I've have started to be known for their duck.

The server comes and takes our order, and I take Griffins hand in mind.

''It's something on your mind? You seem a little distracted.'' I ask, and search his eyes.

''No, it's just something I wanted to talk to about.'' I nod and motion for him to keep going.

''I know we haven't been official for that long, but you know how crazy I'm about you.'' I smile at him, and give his and a squeeze.

''I just wanted to let you know, I love you. You don't have to say it back if you're not ready, but I just had to tell you.''

I look him straight in the eyes almost shocked that he told me first.
''Griffin, you are this incredible man I can't believe I got my hands on. I love you to baby.''

His bright smile takes over his face, and I rise and walk over to him. He push himself a little form the table, and guides me between his legs. I bend my head a little, and take my hands to his face and kiss him. The kiss is sweet and tender, and just filed with love.

''God, I know I said you didn't have to say it back, but I'm really glad you did.'' I giggle against his lips, and give him another kiss before I sit back down.

When the food arrives, we chat and drink our wine. We taste each other's food, and we are happy we ordered both. Once we are finish, we decide to share a chocolate fondant.

''God, this taste amazing'' I say and moan when I scoop up another spoon.

''It really does, but not as good are you thought.''

''Griffin!'' I whisper scream to him, which only makes him laugh. I shake my head, and drink the rest for my wine.

''Now I'm stuffed. Think you have to roll me back to the car.'' I say and lean back in my chair with my hands on my stomach.

He just laughs and calls the waiter over to get the bill. Once that is all sorted out, we go hand in hand back to his car. I nestle up against him, and say

''I had a great time tonight baby, thanks for the food.''

''Of course angle, had to see you before I leave tomorrow.''

''I'm going to miss you while you're gone''
He kisses my head, and pulls me closer after I said that.

''I'm going to miss you angle.''
We cuddle and kiss each other on the drive back to my apartment. He follows me up, and we kiss our goodbyes at the door.

I make my way to the shower, and take my time. After thirty minutes in the heat, I pat myself dry and walk to my bed. I prop myself against the headboard, and open my phone.

Amira: Have a safe travel tomorrow baby:*

Griffin: Thank you angle will be thinking of you.

After a little more texting back and forth, an idea pops up in my head. After finding the contact I was looking for, and my plan sorted out I say down and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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