"I... am missing something... aren't I" Axe speaks suspiciously.

You giggle and the Cross explains, "There's ghosts!!! A human and Boss!"

'Well, to be straight, we're all your bosses, me Night and Corrupt. And this is the official first time of meeting each other like this!' You beam, 'Heya Cross! As you've found out, and probably already know, I'm Y/N! And bellow to Killer and Murder as well!' You greet with a wave to all 3, 'It's so nice not to hide anymore in the mindspace! It was starting to get cramped!'

"What!?" Killer says, going out of his shocked stupor.

'Mindspace. It's too long to explain but it's as simple as it sounds,' you nod, 'And I also predict that you read of the story of Dreamtale. About Dream and Nightmare,' you start and then switch with Nightmare again after the twins making up and gave each other a last parting hug as well as making the others flinch as Nightmares frame cracked, broke, and splintered into the other form. This made Nightmares ghost to show right by Corrupt as you used the shapeshifting into turn into your human form.

"Well, let's start with explaining," you smile, all eye lights on you right now including Axe bieng shocked, seeing you in your human form for the first time, "I used to live on earth. Whether there were alternate universes or not, we didn't know and on earth, and there were no monsters, only humans. And we had a pandemic going on. New world wars almost starting, the government was horrible. Basically the world had been plunged into chaos for 3 years straight from the year 2019. I died in the year 2022 in the... not most flattering way," you sweat drop, "Anyways, on Earth, for us, UNDERTALE, was a game, and it had gone viral. And I'm sure you all know what Undertale is. It's the original universe."

"How!?" Cross exclaims, "Does that mean this all was just created as amusement!? A video game!?"

You hold up your hand, frown on your face, "I know what this must feel like. And no one was aware you guys were real at all. So please, let me explain," you say, continuing, "And out of that game, many fans emerged, the creativity and complexity of the game and the interesting story line with a dedicated creator called Toby Fox, it was hard not to get drawn in,"

"Toby Fox?" Killer questioned and you replied,

"Toby Fox. The creator of UNDERTALE and basically the starter of this multiverse, also known as the annoying white dog that steals Papyrus's bone attacks," you laugh as more shock radiates through the room, "Anyways, back on track, as Ink or Error refer to people like me on Earth, they call us 'creators'," you say as you put a hand on your chest, "We 'creators' have created the Au's."

Murders expression darkens, "Are the one who-"

"No," your reply is immediate and stern, "I, am not one of the creators who created an of your Au's nor any in this multiverse-"

"Multiverse..?" Error raised a bone brow and you jumped.

"HOLY- Error! I didn't even notice you come in!"

Error rolls his eye lights and waves his hand to urge you on in explaining.

You slightly glare and then clear your throat, "What I mean in Multiverses in that there are even multiverses like this that were created by others but different. Like Dreamswap, Swap Dreamtale, Vampireverse, Empireverse, F!God and so on, all stories completely different as in Dreamswap," you hold up a finger, "Everyone's positions and roles are swapped... literally. Instead Dream, Nightmare and the others are humans and Dream is the one who ate the golden apples to try and get rid of Nightmare and all negativity, Blue hates blood and is manipulative and gave the current Error there trauma, Ink used to be friends with Cross but abandoned him to work for Dream. And Nightmare also has a pet chicken," you laugh at the disbelief on the others skulls."

"What about F!God?" Cross asks and your expression morphs into a frown,

"Well, the story isn't pretty, that's for sure," Then you start to explain, "It's actually a world made of Dieties, Fate, Love, Hope, Faith, Time, Destiny, Feelings, etc. who have made their 'chosen children'. Fate is a corrupt Deity which had stolen Error," you gesture to Error which makes the Destroyer perk up and listen in the conversation again when he hears his name, and forces him to grow insane in the anti-void with voices and torture to be her 'puppet' so to say as well as to fulfill Inks wish in Ink wanting friends and to be a 'hero'. Fate also made Error immortal, never being able to die to feel pain for eternity. And Nightmares gang in there is like an actual family, Nightmare the mom, Error the dad," you snicker at the gangs faces but you turn somber again at what you said next," But years of being mercilessly beat, tortured, and so on, Error decided to commit suicide by jumping into the void,"
Cross's breath hitched and Killer looked at Error quickly. Although it wasn't shown, everyone started caring about each other a while ago, so the stench of worry started permeating the room.

"That's fucking dumb," Error rolls his eye lights and scoffs, not noticing some breathe a sigh of relief as you shrug. You didn't panic over this because you knew this wasn't the Fgod multiverse and moved on.

"Anyways, onto the next point I didn't create any Au's but I did create a different multiverse which I will not get into details right now," you add, shutting down any following questions. "So, back on earth, from Undertale stemmed the Au's that people the 'creators' made which brought your existence. See, Killer, Nightmare- or Corrupt originally would have taken away your emotions as you followed him. Cross, you started a multiversal war and was on Corrupts team till you switched to be with Dream who helped you. Murder and Axe, you guys are the same as you were before. And Corruot was more demanding and feared. I actually am a bit more toned down than he is because I myself don't like much violence. When we go to attack an Au, Corrupt takes over."

"Ok. So, who is Corrupt?" Murder asks.

"In simple terms, Corrupt is pure negativity and is sometimes called a parasite, he's the negativity that took over Nightmare when he ate the negative apples off of the tree," you reply, "Since that answers basically anything, please keep this a secret, I do not know what future events could change and right now I took a huge risk."

Everyone nods, understanding what you meant.

You sigh in relief and then motion everyone to stand up, "Alright, let's head to ccino's for a treat everyone!"
There are a few happy whoops from Killer, Cross and Axe high five happily, Dust gives a small smile, and Error huffs light heartedly. You grin as you shapeshift back to your goopy form and then create a portal to Ccino's.


"Hoooo," you sigh, skull in a deadpan expression.
As your group had some fun with the cats and having coffee, Ink and Blue came in a while later.
You scowled and told the gang that you all had to leave. They looked in the direction you were looking and scowled as well. As you opened up a portal, Ink blurted out immediately.
"WAIT- I NEED TO DISCUSS SOMETHING WITH YOU Y/-" he widens his eye sockets and slaps his hands over his mouth as Blue freezes and starts to sweat profusely as you turn around, the want to murder in your expression as the whole gang also stares in shock.


Plot twist after plot twist!

I wonder... what will happen next?

Again, I hope you enjoyed and have a good Morning/Evening/Night!

Wait... I'm Nightmare!? I Thought I Died!?Where stories live. Discover now