Chapter Twenty-One

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*Thor's POV

It was pure torture not being able to see her for three full days. Especially since she is only a few doors down from my sleeping chambers, but my mother is always keeping a close eye on me. And Phoebe never made an attempt to see me, which I don't blame her. My mother is always with her, for the past 72 hours. Hopefully my Phoebe had gotten some rest during those days, I for one wasn't able to sleep. Due to her not being in my arms, I'm guessing that's a reaction from when she went missing for two days. And that is sure dealt with, that sick man dare to touch my wife. He is locked in the palace's jail until my father knows what to do with him. It's the night of the wedding, my wedding to be exact. The whole palace was in chaos preparing for it. This is the final night of being alone, and the final night of not having to sleep without Phoebe. And with that, I fell to sleep.


It was the morning of, and I couldn't wait for my maid to wake me up. I decided to get up and begin the day, my outfit is the same as always however my cape is white. My father thought it was fitting for the celebration that I wear white, and I couldn't agree with him more. What stressed me was that I couldn't stop imaging Phoebe in her wedding gown, and I couldn't stop myself from going further and imaging myself taking it off. Focus, Focus. I have to greet some guests, and a small meeting with my father and Phoebe's father. Then a small check up on Phoebe, meaning talking to my mother to see if she's doing alright. By the end of the night, I will be wedded to Phoebe. It seems like forever.

*Phoebe POV

Right. I can do this. Breathe in. Breathe out. I am here now, there is no going back.

I stood with my father ouside the large double doors that led to the throne room. I heard music as it played inside the large room filled with our wedding guests. I also heard voices and laughter coming from inside those doors, only making me grip my father's arm harder. Any second now the doors are going to open, and I will being walking down the isle. I checked the bouquet I was holding, to make sure it was perfectly in order. Then looked at my hand, the ring that has been sitting there for two weeks, the ring that started it all. It was so beautiful, I looked at my father. Who was quiet through my fudging.

"You look so much like your mother."

Is all he was able to say, and I smiled. I hugged his side, he understood I couldn't afford to ruin my dress at the moment. He instead kissed the top of my head.

The music got louder and suddenly the doors opened. The light blinded me for a brief second and then it dimmed, that's when I saw all eyes on me. I can do this, my father took the first step. As he promised earlier he would, which helped me calm down quite a bit. I looked at everyone in the audience, some were strange faces. Some I have noticed before, or came to my engagement party.

And that was when I saw him. And my heart stopped. He was wearing his usual armor, however his normal red cape was now a pure white color. He had his face turned towards me, and there was shock written all over it. Is something wrong with my hair? Is something on my face? Did I step on my gown? I glanced down and there was nothing wrong. I glanced back at him and there was only awe written all over those handsome features. Right then, everything stopped and there was only me and him. I had forgotten about all the other people in the room with us. I forgot about how scared I was moments ago. I looked inyo his eyes and I was lost. It was as if everthing was falling into place and this is what should truly happen.

*Thor's POV

She was the most beautiful I have ever laid eyes on.

Her walking towards me felt so right.

This is everything I've wanted since the moment I had heard about her.

I couldn't ask for more.

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