Chapter Five

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Back into the throne room we went, only yesterday was I aware of this plan on combining the kingdoms. But then it occurred to me why we had to, I looked through Loki's mind a bit. And it looks like combing the kingdoms was just a plus to this marriage, had my father really accepted this hand in marriage to a stranger I barely know. Well now I know him.

"Welcome. We have exciting news for the both of you."

Oh really, barely the fourth day back and already this much on my plate?

*Wait it gets worst, trust me*

I looked behind me, and Loki was walking towards us. He gave me a small friendly smile, but I believe he was given the death stare by Thor.

"Your engagement party is being thrown in Asgard tomorrow, so we leave in the afternoon."

You weren't kidding.*

My father looked over at me, I tried my best to make a fake smile. I bowed my head, agreeing with the plans. My dear friends invited to this party won't know what hit them.

Both our fathers were talking about the plans for the party, on who to invite and such. Honestly I don't know names that well, nor do I have that many friends. Most of my friends are still in training, or have their own family. Only a few remained here all those years I was gone, I still haven't made contact with them. Plus the party is in Asgard. I have only been on the Bifrost Bridge a couple times, coming and going from training. Thor being a high powered war god, probably has gone through it many times. I began daydreaming of my life in Asgard, would I train there. Or would my image get misunderstood by his people. Our people, I've heard of his group of friends before. Sif? I think her name was? She's in love with Thor, However I'm an actual goddess, she's a demi god. Now that I think of it, is my father doing this for power. He wouldn't. Would he?

"Phoebe, would you like some of your old friends to come? I'm sure they would love to see you."

I smiled and nodded, my father may just bring them through the portal just because he can. Maybe this party won't be so bad, it's a celebration. Although my return was a celebration as well, look where that lead me.


The meeting ended, and throughout the whole meeting, Thor and I held hands. Maybe he was worried about something, I have no clue. But I could sense some tension, maybe from his brother. Must I show him that I am his, and no one else's? Hadn't last night proved that? Thor led me to the grand hall, to another small balcony.

"Is everything all right?"

He cupped my left cheek.

"No Phoebe, there's some things about my family you don't know."

"This is about your brother isn't it?"

He slowly nodded, I his hand and kissed his palm. I brought down his hand, however still holding it to calm his nerves.

"He's adopted, my father won a battle against the Frost giants."

So I was right, Loki doesn't look a lot like Thor because there not really related.

"Does he know?"

Thor shakes his head, hmmm.

"Then why would I need to be told this?"

"He is the god of mischief, his mind trick work on everyone. Except you, why is that?"

I playfully rolled my eyes, he's jealous of like. And for a greater disbelief, Loki knows and enjoys doing it. Anything I say now may result into a cancelation of the party.

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